This just after John Kerry publicly said yesterday that Netanyahu didn’t know what he was talking about with respect to the Iranian agreement, even criticizing him on supporting the war in Iraq, clearly trying to suggest that Netanyahu has bad judgment:
As an aside, Brit Hume defended Netanyahu and pointed out something that Kerry left out in his comments:
![bh copy]()
And to top it all off, Susan Rice came out yesterday and publicly criticized Netanyahu’s coming speech on Iran to Congress as ‘destructive’ to the very fabric of the relationship between the US and Israel:
Mr. Kerry’s comments followed remarks Tuesday by Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice , castigating Mr. Netanyahu for going around the White House and accepting an invitation from House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) to address a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. The move, she said, undermined the longtime tradition of bipartisanship in U.S.-Israel relations.
“I think it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Ms. Rice said in a televised interview with Charlie Rose.
This administration is absolutely out of control. They are putting an agreement allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons over their relationship with Israel, our closest and strongest ally in the Middle East. It’s almost unbelievable.
Netanyahu in turn has ramped up his criticism, saying the U.S., among other countries, has given up its commitment on keeping Iran from getting nukes:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped up his criticism of the developing nuclear deal with Iran, and accused the six world powers – the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany – of “giving up on their commitment” to prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
“The powers pledged to prevent Iran [from obtaining] a nuclear weapon,” Netanyahu said a Likud political convention in Maale Adumim. “From the developing agreement it seems they have given up on that commitment, and have accepted the fact that Iran, gradually over several years, will develop the capabilities to make fissile material for many nuclear bombs. Maybe they can live with it, but I can’t.”
None of us should be able to live with it.
I never thought I’d see the day when an American president would be so anti-Israel that he would allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, knowing full well Israel is the main target of this Iranian regime.
The U.S. negotiates with Iran to supposedly work together to destroy ISIS. But when it comes to ISIS, it is always used for political schemes. In the name of war on terror, deals are struck while the innocence is murdered. Netanyahu seems to come in like a mama, turns on the light in the White House to expose to the American people what its naughty administration is doing.
Barack Obama sent a letter of appeasement to Iran’s Ayatollah regarding ISIS, a supposed common enemy. Yet, as reported, Turkey – a NATO ally of the U.S. – is aligned with ISIS. This would mean that Obama is engaging Iran, one of only four officially designated State Sponsors of Terrorism, to thwart an enemy ISIS which is supported by NATO ally Turkey.
Last month, within hours of Vice President Joe Biden’s comments at Harvard University, that Turkey was arming jihadists in Syria, Erdogan demanded – and promptly received – an apology, as reported.
The U.S. seems to negotiate with an officially designated State Sponsor of Terrorism, Iran, against the interests of its NATO ally, Turkey which in the end will not make a huge difference. ISIS, the minor caliphate is used by Turkey to advance the Grand Caliphate agenda and Iran through a war on terror on ISIS has an excuse to consume much flesh of Iraqi territory in the future.
While Iran is Shiite and Turkey is Sunni, Turkey has much more regard and reverence for Shiite Islam than do other Sunni nations like Wahhabist Saudi Arabia (the enmity between the Iranians and the Saudis is off the charts). There is a better chance of an alliance between Turkey and Iran than Turkey and Saudi Arabia which Turkey has an old score to settle: the Saudis helped the British dismantle the Ottoman Empire when it collaborated with Lawrence of Arabia.
In Syria, there are currently three factions at work – the Assad regime, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed opposition that continues to deceive gullible U.S. politicians, and ISIS.
Turkey wants Assad gone and is using ISIS to help weaken and ultimately break that chain.
ISIS is currently operating in Libya, Syria and Iraq. This is where attention must be paid to the Iranian-Turkish alliance. These two countries are ready to deal because the spoils of war on ISIS are too enticing: Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, and Lebanon will become proxies of Iran while Syria will go to Turkey which will also move in on Egypt in the distant future in line with Ottoman dream.
Who else will become the peacekeeping force when ISIS tears down Libya, Iraq and Syria? Will the U.S. put boots on the ground?
Sooner or later, the ISIS volcano would have to be addressed and foresight tells us that Assad will fall and Syria would fall to the grand caliphate of Turkey, a NATO ally that is always ready to put boots on the ground while ISIS will have served its purpose with its minor Caliphate having been absorbed or weakened to pave the way for the Grand Caliphate, a revived Ottoman Empire.
Assad’s fall would also give Iran greater incentive to vanquish ISIS in Iraq.
Had the U.S. been smart, it would avoid Iran, unite with Assad and put a wedge between Syria and Iran. This way Assad will destroy ISIS and Turkey will be silenced. But unfortunately, the U.S. is on its way to revive the Grand Caliphate instead while it will realize too late that it aided and slept with the devil.
Special thanks to The Right Scoop