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CNN HOST DECLARES: ‘Right-Wing Citizen Extremists’ May be MORE Dangerous than ISIS


The propaganda coming from the left is increasingly staggering. In this one example, CNN host Carol Costello actually says that ‘right-wing citizen extremists’ could be more dangerous than ISIS. After introducing the report, Costello kicks it over to someone who provides two extremely questionable examples (h//t GWP):

The two examples cited by the man Costello was interviewing – Kyle Joekel and Brian Smith – were anti-government but had zero respect for the rule of law. Smith’s father talked about going to war with police. Another aspect to this case is that the individuals involved did not appear to be driven by any religion, just anti-government zealotry. One of the shooters had been diagnosed with schizophrenia:

Terry Smith’s other son, Brian, is a paranoid schizophrenic, his girlfriend and stepmother testified. He long believed someone was trying to kidnap him. He saw ominous portents in ordinary things: Gardeners, parked cars, sirens in the background of rap songs. He talked to himself, sometimes nonsense about “feeding demons.”

Gateway Pundit goes even further, making the case that the group – Sovereign Citizens – is a left-wing group.

The pushing of the narrative that ‘right-wing citizen extremists’ may be more dangerous than ISIS is sheer propaganda.

Earlier this month, Muslim comedian Dean Obeidallah actually insisted that right-wing bigotry was responsible for a far left-wing atheist shooting three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, NC. By all accounts, the propaganda being pushed by the Obama administration and its like-minded media outlets is being kicked up a notch.

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Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Quotes from Anne Frank’s Diary, then Tells Obama There are ‘Tens of Thousands of Anne Franks’ RIGHT NOW and to DO SOMETHING about it


During an appearance on the Hannity television show, Mark Levin insisted that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was absolutely right in his recent comments about Obama. Of particular relevance in the clip below is when Levin brought up Rashid Khalidi, a Muslim and former PLO media spokesman who is one of Obama’s friends.

Then Levin quoted a chilling excerpt from Anne Frank’s diary before openly addressing Obama, telling him there are ‘tens of thousands of Anne Franks’ who are ‘being brutalized’ right now in the Middle East, that need to be helped.

As Shoebat.com has reported, however, the Obama administration appears far more interested in legitimizing Islam through Muslims closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and with propaganda that consists of inventing right-wing extremists and comparing ISIS with the Crusades.

h/t GWP

Today, the Anne Franks Levin speaks about include tens of thousands of Christians who desperately need help that the world is not giving them. Please consider donating to Rescue Christians.

The post Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Quotes from Anne Frank’s Diary, then Tells Obama There are ‘Tens of Thousands of Anne Franks’ RIGHT NOW and to DO SOMETHING about it appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

Jewish Rabbi Sworn-In as Obama’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom Said He has Worked with Huma Abedin and Muslim Brotherhood Front Group ‘for Many Years’


Rabbi David Saperstein was recently sworn-in as Obama’s Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom. This is no doubt, intended to demonstrate religious diversity within the Obama administration but Saperstein’s past stands, comments and associations indicate he is at best a dupe who is being used to further a Muslim Brotherhood agenda. At worst, he’s in league with that agenda.

In any case, upon further examination, Saperstein does not represent religious diversity simply because he calls himself a Jewish rabbi.

Consider that in 2012, it was Saperstein who joined several other leftists and Muslims to defend close Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin, despite her irrefutable familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. In a statement expressing his support for Abedin, Saperstein praised then Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) President Mohammed Magid while also boasting that he knows Magid and has worked with the ISNA in the past.

The link to the article is not longer available but here is an excerpt from an archived version:

“It’s likes someone who says there’s a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world,” Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, said in a JTA interview. “And then they say prove it’s not true. What proof can you bring to ideologues who want to believe it’s true?”

Saperstein’s July 17 statement was the first among Jewish leaders to deplore Bachmann’s call — and one of the toughest.

“I am deeply troubled by the allegations made by Rep. Michelle Bachmann and other Members of Congress in letters to the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Defense and State asserting that respected government officials and religious organizations are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood,” he wrote. “The letters assert that Huma Abedin, Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Clinton, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and ISNA President Imam Mohammed Magid are all connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, posing a potential security risk to the United States.

“The Reform Movement, and I personally, have worked with Ms. Abedin, Imam Magid and ISNA for many years,” he continued. “All have worked on behalf of U.S. interests at home and abroad, built relationships across religious lines and affirmed U.S. constitutional values.”

The ISNA is the largest Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. and regardless of what one thinks of Huma Abedin’s intentions, her irrefutable familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood should have precluded her from receiving a security clearance when she was deputy chief of staff to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Try as Obama might, to convey religious diversity with the appointment of Rabbi Saperstein as an Ambassador, upon further examination, it’s just more propaganda and lies.

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ISIS Produces A Promotional Video To Promote Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks On The U.S., Canada and Europe


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

ISIS is pushing what they termed “Lone Wolf Agenda” and has produced a promotional video for Muslims living in the U.S., Canada and Europe to kill whom they termed “Crusaders” even including the cover on one promotional piece with “War On The Cross” against the U.S Coalition depicting President Obama burning in flames.

lw4 copy 2

CAPTION ON RIGHT: “Islamic State Challenges The World And Liberates Muslims”. CAPTION ON LEFT: “War On The Cross” with subtitle “The Dogs Of Rome Are Barking In Our Lands”.

Folks have been wondering who is producing these quality videos by ISIS. The firm is called Turjman Asawirti For International Productions which dedicates most of its work for ISIS.

At 3:30: ISIS announces:

“You have seen what one Muslim brother did in Canada and its parliament. And you have seen what our brothers did in France, Australia and Belgium. May Allah have mercy on them and reward them for their [commitment] to Islam. And many others like them who threatened, ran over [with vehicles], maimed and terrorized which caused the armies of the Crusaders to be sent out from Australia, Canada, France and Belgium including other strongholds from the lands of the Cross. We will repeat them upon the time when fearsome terror will come and security is threatened”.

lw1 copy

CAPTION: Omar Al-Hussein. The Lone Wolf Of Copenhagen.

lw3 copy

CAPTION: The Lone Wolves. Insignia of Information Front. The Caliphate.

lw2 copy

CAPTION: The Lone Wolves of Amman And Saudi Arabia. A Special Message To The Private Forces.

However, it is a fact that so far, the largest security services in the world, led by the US and British intelligence services even the Russian have difficulty thwarting the Lone Wolf terrorist method and ISIS now is heavily promoting this agenda on social media.

A lone wolf is not only a very ordinary person living in the community as a member, they also behave like them in that they do not have any unusual activity or act suspicious. They are encouraged to cover up any sign of religious affiliation and are encouraged not pray or become a member in a mosque. They do not belong to any form of criminal or neurotic gang. They are away from the eyes of observers as being a member of a terrorist organization. These are perfect for ISIS.

Any pre-emptive strikes carried out by the security apparatus is useless in preventing these terrorist attacks, because pre-emptive strikes are usually with groups or formations who are usually caught in the course of planning, preparation, and before implementation, which the act fails before it happens.
But this is not the case with a lone wolf and that alone is everything he is. He plans and attends and performs without dispensing any information. Even the people closest to him, as his wife or his father or his mother are not made aware of his plans. He keeps everything in his mind as part of the plan until such time when the bomb is to explode.

As an x-terrorist, this is why my own family were not aware of my terror activity since at times, family members can stop and hinder the plan.

There is no way to prevent such attacks. We have seen this already. This will increase to the point that eventually, “the land of the cross” will have to expel everyone who upholds the crescent.

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Governor Tells people to ‘Look Elsewhere’ If They Want Him to Criticize Rudy Giuliani for saying Obama ‘Doesn’t Love America’


There haven’t been many prominent figures who’ve chosen to stand with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani after he said he doesn’t believe Obama loves America. As Shoebat.com reported, not only did right-leaning Fox News host Megyn Kelly choose to distance herself from Rudy’s sentiment; she grilled him in an interview for making the comments.

Bobby Jindal, the sitting Governor of Louisiana actually did publicly come out in defense of Giuliani:

Here is more, via the Advocate (h/t GWP):

Rudy Giuliani received a call recently from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, congratulating the the former mayor on the critical President Obama comments he made this week, according to CNN.

Guiliani reportedly relayed that story to CNN’s Jim Acosta, the network’s political director said Friday evening.

Guiliani grabbed headlines this week for reportedly telling those at a dinner Wednesday in Manhattan for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker that “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.

“He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me.”

The news of Jindal calling to congratulate Giuliani comes a day after the Louisiana governor released a statement saying he agreed with the “gist” of the former mayor’s comments.

“If you are looking for someone to condemn the Mayor, look elsewhere,” Jindal said in the statement.

Jindal was at the center of his own controversy recently when he insisted that there were indeed ‘no-go zones’ in Europe, as Shoebat.com reported.

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North Dakota GOP Show a Spine: Disinvites Imam for Prayer Invocation


North Dakota shows some leadership to stand up to the Islam victory delarations at our state and federal government insitutions. Ash Wednesday a holy day for all Christians was rightly found to be “inappropriate” to have a promoter of the faith of anti Christ saying prayers to Satan at the State Legislator Buildings.

“House Republican leaders said earlier they asked Nadim Koleilat not to participate on Ash Wednesday after some in Republican House members complained it was inappropriate.”

Well those terror front group spokesmen from Minneapolis had to throw a hissy fit i.e. CAIR

Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Here is the full report from the local news paper the Grand Forks Herald

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minnesota Muslim group is calling on North Dakota Republican leaders to apologize for un-inviting a Muslim leader from offering an invocation before the state House.

“Lawmakers of any political persuasion should reject religious bigotry and exclusion,” Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Minnesota chapter, said Friday in a statement.

House Republican leaders said earlier they asked Nadim Koleilat not to participate on Ash Wednesday after some in Republican House members complained it was inappropriate.

Koleilat, who leads the Bismarck Muslim Community Center, was asked by the state Senate to offer an invocation the same day.

CAIR, based in Washington, D.C., describes itself as an American Muslim civil liberties organization.

Souce Link Grand Forks Herald

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ISIS is Islam: Shoebat provides comprehensive analysis on the Voice of Israel

Muslim Tries to Bomb a Mosque in Strategy to Blame Americans for Islamophobia


What would cause a Muslim to threaten to bomb a Mosque? The best available logical explanation is that with the increase in talk about hate crimes, Islamophobia and backlash, the threats were intended to paint Muslims as victims of right-wing bigots. In the case of the suspect featured in the video below, schizophrenia is being blamed.

The best evidence available suggests the suspect Azzam Ahmed Baytie a Muslim of Lebanese descent:

Azzam Ahmed Baytie

Azzam Ahmed Baytie

In the news report below from Fox Affiliate KTBC in Austin, TX one of the attendees of the Mosque made an ironically noteworthy comment that the bomb threat actually ‘draws (mosque attendees) closer to’ Allah. As for the identity of the suspect, you have to watch to the end of the video because the reporters did not reveal it:

When events like this take place, Shoebat.com always looks at heritage. The Middle Eastern culture is full of familial and tribal affiliations. As for the Baytie name, some of them are even members of ISIS.

Back in 2012, a Muslim woman was murdered in her home and a supposed anti-Muslim bigot was responsible based on a note that was left behind. As it turned out, the woman was murdered by her Muslim husband who attempted to make it look like a hate crime, as Shoebat.com reported.

Here was a news report from 2014 after the husband was found guilty of the murder:

Just like Christians in America are being smeared as Islamophobes, Christians in Muslim lands are suffering much worse with similar tactics. Please consider donating to Rescue Christians.

h/t BNI and Pamela Geller

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MAJOR NEWS: The Ottoman Conquest Of The Middle East Begins. Turkey Invades Syria With 600 Troops On The Ground With 100 Tanks And Armored Vehicles While Syria Declared “This Is Pure Aggression”


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

Turkish soldiers launched an overnight raid into neighboring Syria sending 600 ground forces backed by  a combination of 100 tanks and armored vehicles crossing the border near the border town of Kobani. There were also drones and airplanes flew reconnaissance missions overhead as Davutoglu disclosed on Sunday today.



The mission, they claim, is for “saving Turkish soldiers” stuck for months at the tomb of the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, moving the crypt Sunday back to Turkey after ceremonially planting the country’s crescent-and-star flag after destroying the complex where the tomb is located. ISIS who are Wahhabist are notorious for blowing up tombs and do not approve of elevating tombs above the ground or having folks visiting tombs.

But that is not the full scoop.

The military operation commenced as one group traveled to the tomb, some 22 miles from Turkey on the banks of the Euphrates River in Syria’s embattled Aleppo province where the remains where, Davutoglu said while another group seized an area of Syrian territory only yards from the Turkish border in Syria’s Ashma region, according to a statement from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s office.

“Before the Turkish flag was lowered at (the tomb), the Turkish flag started to be waved at another location in Syria,” Davutoglu said.

Turkey is not simply moving the remains of the Ottoman bones back home to Turkey where it belongs, the Turkish Prime Minister emphasized it is occupying Syrian territory to ensure what it termed a “security zone” on Syrian territory in the town of Ashma, which is only a few kilometers from Turkish border and technically invading Syria, as Shoebat.com continually predicted will happen, and is camped in Ashma which is Syrian, not Turkish territory, while even raising its flag there, declaring it Turkish soil in order to antagonize Syria to dare retaliate.

This is what makes this a major news piece.



In reply to the incident, Syria’s official source at the Foreign Ministry denounced what it called a “blatant aggression” by Turkey saying that:

“Turkey is not here only to provide all forms of support and tools for ISIS gangs and other terrorist organizations linked to al-Qaeda, but at the dawn of day they traveled here to show aggression on Syrian territory.”

The Syrians are absolutely correct.

It is for this reason that Syria announced the Turkish military incursion into Syria as “a military invasion of Syrian soil”. That, plus, ISIS has never blown up Ottoman tombs and has always only returned Turkish hostages unharmed while executing all other nationalities. In fact, today, Turkey’s ruling party has struck down a parliamentary motion to investigate ISIS’s activities inside the country, a move likely to deepen allegations of Turkish support for ISIS, the Hurriyet daily reported.

Turkey is using the tomb to invade Syria since the tomb is considered sovereign territory by Turkey. But this is abusing the 1921 treaty to protect an Ottoman shrine since the treaty does not include invading and laying claims to Syrian territory at the  Ashma regionTurkey’s intended aggression was caught when leaked recordings for a previously staged ISIS attack on the tomb by Turkey’s top officials admitting the outcome was to invade Syria.



The U.S.-led coalition forces were informed of the Turkish operation after its launch to prevent any casualties, Davutoglu said.


U.S. officials offered no immediate comment on today’s invasion, of course, since earlier this week, Turkey signed an agreement with the U.S. President Obama to train and arm Syrian, mostly Muslim Brotherhood rebels who are supposedly fighting ISIS.

That, plus, president Obama as it seems, is in full support of Erdogan’s Ottoman plans. Shoebat.com, just yesterday before the invasion gave this view:

“It is these two, Syria and Egypt, that are necessary keys to complete the mission of an Ottoman conquest of the Middle East as to repeat the glory days of Selim I. Everything in both of Obama’s and Erdogan’s policies prove it. Just this week, Obama’s aides declined to back Egypt’s military operation against ISIS and instead Obama continues to work with Erdogan, his true partner, in training the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood of Syria.”

“Such policies [by Obama] stem from a Muslim mindset, not Marxist or even an American apple pie. To go against secular governments like Egypt and Syria is something ingrained in Muslim Brotherhood psyche. The history to be repeated eschatologically is the pride of Erdogan when the Ottoman Sultan Selim I turned against Syria and Egypt, conquered them and ruled the Middle East.”

And why is Obama, like Erdogan, aiding only Syrian rebels while both policies of Turkey and the U.S. exclude training the Kurds?


The tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire.

With its 750-mile border with Syria, Turkey could be a major player in the fight against ISIS, yet Turkey has done nothing insisting that the coalition needs to also target the Assad government.

Shah, a Turkic leader, is believed to have drowned in the Euphrates in the 13th century. His followers headed north into what is today Turkey, where they launched the Ottoman Empire. Some historians even question the official accounts about Shah’s tomb, saying they might have been retrospectively concocted to enrich an imperial identity for Turks. Turkey has wanted Syrian President Bashar Assad overthrown and has backed some rebels including aiding ISIS fighting against him.

Shoebat.com predicts that the Obama Administration will do nothing to stop Turkey’s incursion which would mean that Obama supports ISIS, when it serves Turkey, while he hits ISIS, when it serves the claim that we have a “war on terror”.

And now you know the rest of the story.

P.S: We usually get tremendous traffic on stories of this sort while we get very little on more serious issues on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. For example, we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians who literally live under slavery. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, perdominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians too are burned in furnaces in Pakistan with no one to morn them. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”.CONSIDER DONATING TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS

The post MAJOR NEWS: The Ottoman Conquest Of The Middle East Begins. Turkey Invades Syria With 600 Troops On The Ground With 100 Tanks And Armored Vehicles While Syria Declared “This Is Pure Aggression” appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

ISIS Bloopers: Brought to you by “those evil Zionists”


While the evil of ISIS is not funny, our Israelii brethren just made a video to throw a little humor despite the seriousness of the situation.

In America 65% of all comedians are Jews despite only being about 2% of the population. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years but always seem to find away at laughing at the situation or creating humor in dire circumstances, I suppose this is another one of those moments the one difference is that the people who made this sketch were Israeli Jews:

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BREAKING: Watch Video Of ISIS Parading Kurdish POWs Prior To Burning Them


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

ISIS calls it Qafas Al-Harq (English: The Cage Of Burning) and they released the video parading an array of these cages with Kurdish POWs as during the middle ages in a Rose Parade style in Kirkuk. As it seems, Muslims are getting board with beheadings and public shooting and it is time for a new flavor as it was during the Roman Empire entertaining savage crowds in the arena.  The victims are all dressed in orange jumpsuits similar to those worn by Jordanian fighter pilot Muath al-Kassasbeh.

This has become too familiar, once we see the men paraded in cages, chances are, they are already burned or beheaded. They could have been beheaded (see the added beheading at 2:20) which uses other footage from the 21 Copts as they, instead, show the 21 Kurds kneeling before men carrying machine-guns.

But ISIS wants everyone in suspense: is it beheading, shooting or burning?

The media reported that it is unclear when this video was filmed, but Shoebat.com was the first to report on the 13th of this month, another video of the same event leaked using cellphone style recording that ISIS exchanged via Twitter:

In the slow-motion opening shots of the latest video, armed militants lead the captives towards the camera through an empty concrete lot and around what appears to be a Chevrolet Suburban SUV. The prisoners are then forced into cages similar to the one in which Jordanian fighter pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh was murdered, as depicted in a previous video released by the extremist group. A split-second cut uses footage from al-Kaseasbeh’s killing, showing him engulfed in flames.

A presenter then addresses the camera before the video cuts to interviews with some of the captives, who, in keeping with other ISIS propaganda, are clad in orange jumpsuits. In the interviews, prisoners warn peshmerga forces to give up the fight against ISIS. The footage then shows the prisoners standing in the same cages, which have now been placed onto the backs of pickup trucks. A convoy of these trucks parades the caged prisoners through a street as chanting crowds line the way.

Much of the style of the music, editing and imagery is similar to that of other propaganda footage released by IS militants.

The Islamic Nasheed (Muslim Hymn) that is played in the background which close attention should be paid to the savagery. It says:

“ﻟﻨﺎ ﺍﻟﻤﺮﻫﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻐﻀﺎﺏ البوﺍسم …. ﻟﻨﺎ ﺻﻴﺤﺔ ﺍﻟﺤﻖ ﺣﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﺘﺼﺎﺩﻡ
ﻓﻨﺤﻦ ﺍﻷﺳﻮﺩ ﺍﻷﺑﺎﺓ ﺍﻟﻀﻴﺎﻏﻢ …. ﻧَﻔُﻞُّ ﺍﻟﺤﺪﻳﺪ ﺑﻌﺰﻡ ﺷﺪﻳﺪ
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We behold the angry sharp swords
We cry “righteous” when we collide [with the enemy] We are defiant lions. We unshackle the iron in severe determination

And if war came with the tune of bullets, we come down on disbelief intending retribution
They are driven to death of what is inevitable and we water the meadows from blood of jugular veins
And with the sharp sword we drop heads and heal our souls by striking the evil ones

So send the good news to my enemy to frown a sorrowful day and to shine forth a new glorious universe
The clinging sound of swords a melody for men, war is wealth and rest is loss
So arise for immortality so come my brother and leave behind the path to laziness

If the fire broke out we are the fuel. With the sword we burn the assembly of evil
And we erase from the universe the dark night this way will arise a new dawn

Our swords slice through our enemy and our deeds glow in the fire
And we will go on this path until death approaches declaring my lord as one with the guiding sword

Arise my people to the swords for life is nothing but a shadow of death
Let us die in glory, there is nothing good in living the life of slaves

The “healing of our souls” or “Shifa’ a-Sudur” in Arabic which comes from the Quran since killing the infidel brings healing to the Muslim heart. In fact, ISIS has a whole program titled Shifa’ a-Sudur.


The sooner westerners realize that what is coming on the horizon is a recreation of the French Revolution, the Aztec Empire, or some sort of a mutant combination thereof, the faster that the world can start to do something about this growing trend with tens of thousands of Muslims joining this savagery monthly. We indeed have a huge problem.

Shoebat.com yesterday showed what ISIS has released in plan for what it termed “lone wolf” attacks, which we wrote about a day prior to the threat to attack malls by Al-Shabaab terrorist group, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda which is mimicking ISIS. We daily monitor ISIS’s activity and so should you staying tuned to Shoebat.com.

While the media is focused on Al-Shabaab’s lone wolf attacks, ISIS is also pushing what they termed “Lone Wolf Agenda” and has produced a promotional video for Muslims living in the U.S., Canada and Europe to kill whom they termed “Crusaders” even including the cover on one promotional piece with “War On The Cross” against the U.S Coalition depicting President Obama burning in flames.

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CAPTION ON RIGHT: “Islamic State Challenges The World And Liberates Muslims”. CAPTION ON LEFT: “War On The Cross” with subtitle “The Dogs Of Rome Are Barking In Our Lands”.

Folks have been wondering who is producing these quality videos by ISIS. The firm is called Turjman Asawirti For International Productions which dedicates most of its work for ISIS.

At 3:30: ISIS announces:

“You have seen what one Muslim brother did in Canada and its parliament. And you have seen what our brothers did in France, Australia and Belgium. May Allah have mercy on them and reward them for their [commitment] to Islam. And many others like them who threatened, ran over [with vehicles], maimed and terrorized which caused the armies of the Crusaders to be sent out from Australia, Canada, France and Belgium including other strongholds from the lands of the Cross. We will repeat them upon the time when fearsome terror will come and security is threatened”.

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CAPTION: Omar Al-Hussein. The Lone Wolf Of Copenhagen.

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CAPTION: The Lone Wolves. Insignia of Information Front. The Caliphate.

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CAPTION: The Lone Wolves of Amman And Saudi Arabia. A Special Message To The Private Forces.

However, it is a fact that so far, the largest security services in the world, led by the US and British intelligence services even the Russian have difficulty thwarting the Lone Wolf terrorist method and ISIS now is heavily promoting this agenda on social media.

A lone wolf is not only a very ordinary person living in the community as a member, they also behave like them in that they do not have any unusual activity or act suspicious. They are encouraged to cover up any sign of religious affiliation and are encouraged not pray or become a member in a mosque. They do not belong to any form of criminal or neurotic gang. They are away from the eyes of observers as being a member of a terrorist organization. These are perfect for ISIS.

Any pre-emptive strikes carried out by the security apparatus is useless in preventing these terrorist attacks, because pre-emptive strikes are usually with groups or formations who are usually caught in the course of planning, preparation, and before implementation, which the act fails before it happens.
But this is not the case with a lone wolf and that alone is everything he is. He plans and attends and performs without dispensing any information. Even the people closest to him, as his wife or his father or his mother are not made aware of his plans. He keeps everything in his mind as part of the plan until such time when the bomb is to explode.

As an x-terrorist, this is why my own family were not aware of my terror activity since at times, family members can stop and hinder the plan.

There is no way to prevent such attacks. We have seen this already. This will increase to the point that eventually, “the land of the cross” will have to expel everyone who upholds the crescent.

P.S: We usually get tremendous traffic on stories of this sort while we get very little on more serious issues on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. For example, we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians who literally live under slavery. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, perdominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians too are burned in furnaces in Pakistan with no one to morn them. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”.CONSIDER DONATING TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS

The post BREAKING: Watch Video Of ISIS Parading Kurdish POWs Prior To Burning Them appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

Major College In Italy Completely Bans Women From Wearing Hijabs


By Theodore Shoebat 

An Italian college in Italy, specifically in the area of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, has completely banned from women from wearing the Islamic hijab on its campus.

According to the college, the measure is being done in order to protect Muslim women from anti-Islamic violence, which is something that has taken place in the past on campus.

The headmaster of the college, Aldo Duri, said that “outward signs of religion can be seen as provocation”,  he continued on to say:

the scarf that covers the hair and sometimes part of the face of Muslim girls, they are free to use it outside school, but not in class

He went on to say that the school is secular, and that such conspicuous expressions of Islam would not be tolerated. The ban will be imposed in all six campuses that the college has in the region.

With this said, it is a good thing that they ban the hijab. In Italy the Muslims succeeded in having the government remove all crucifixes from grade schools. As we have reported earlier, Muslims in Rome have screamed at Catholics, “Death to the Pope!” and “A good Christian is a dead one!” There was even one story in which Muslims in Italy attacked an elderly man praying before the statue of the Virgin Mary, and then shattered and urinated over the statue.   They are trying to invade Italy internally, and its time that they be the ones on the receiving end of the attack in this eternal and spiritual war.

In the Italian state of Northern Lombardy, mosques and all non-Catholic religious buildings are banned from being built,  and this is understandable, because many Italians want to preserve its Catholic culture.

While hijabs are being banned from this college in Italy, we have schools in America that are encouraging non-Muslim girls to wear hijabs.

Just to give one example, a Muslim group in Indiana infiltrated Crown Point High School and is now telling non-Muslims to wear hijabs, encouraging this type of clothing on campus. We did a whole video exposing this in which we interviewed a student of the school, Pano, who is a Christian, and he explained to us this mess:

They are promoting a culture of bondage, but why should this surprise us? A culture of bondage is already being promulgated in public schools.  With the teaching of debauchery and abortion, Darwinism and homosexuality, its hard to sympathize with these girls who are already spiritual harlots.

What we need to be doing as Christians is helping the persecuted who are truly experiencing real Islam and not the marketed lies that they teach people in the West.


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Mujahadeen Moments: Understanding Jihad and the confidence we have given them


Many so called experts from the West will give you all sorts of reasons for Jihad and terrorism. The lastest reason from our “expert” State Department say that the lack of jobs is the reason. The best way to understand the Jihadists is from their own mouths.

Here is a ten minute video of Al Shabaab terrorists in a propaganda recruitment video made by Al Kataib Foundation a mouthpiece for Al Shabaab, the main Jihadi movement from East Africa. Walid Shoebat has always emphasized that we have given confidence to the terrorists, you will notice from the statements of the terrorists in this video is they have tremendous confidence and the spout out all their victories.

The objective of the West should now be to destroy the Jihadists confidence which would be the destruction of ISIS. Sadly it seems we have been very late to the game and the situation is now critical and with two years of Obama left in power we could be screwed and we are setting ourselves up for a war that will cost the lives of one hundred times more that would not have been necessary if we had taken the right defensive policies in the first place. As they say “Elections have consequences,” and the American electorate has failed to understand the issues we face in the real world by electing and relecting this current President. Hopefully next time in 2016 we will have learned our lesson, but I am not sure we have, as Hillary Clinton lurks to take over, who will continue the craziness we have seen for the last six years. God Help us all if that happens!

The post Mujahadeen Moments: Understanding Jihad and the confidence we have given them appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

So What Was In The Tomb Which Turkey Invaded Syria Over? Turkey Claimed It Wanted To Rescue The Remains Of Sulaiman Shah, An Icon Of The Ottomans. But What They Found In The Tomb Will Shock You.


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

All the hoopla about rescuing the remains of Sulaiman Shah, the grand father of the Ottoman Empire from ISIS. For that Turkey launched an overnight raid into neighboring Syria sending military accompanied with tanks, armored vehicles and provisions including air support to rescue the remains (so they claimed) of this icon of the Otomans.

This is what the news media all over the world reported.

But what they found inside the burial tomb will shock you.



ISIS who are Wahhabist are notorious for blowing up tombs and do not approve of elevating tombs above the ground or having folks visiting tombs.

The media reported the news this way:

“Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the remains of Suleyman Shah would be moved elsewhere in Syria.”

“The Turkish troops carried out in the early hours of Sunday morning a military operation inside Syria, as evacuated guards of the tomb of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the first ruler of the Ottoman Empire and transferred his remains to another location inside Syria.”

But as it turns out, this whole story of removing some remains was all a hoax. Evidence is that the tomb has no remains. No bones. Nothing.

It is an empty tomb.

So was Sulaiman Shah a messiah of some sort that his body resurrected, making the tomb empty?


What all the news media tells you is that:

“It is believed that Suleiman Shah drowned in the Euphrates River during his escape from the invasion of the Mongols.”

And they stop right there.

They, in fact, left out major facts. Even when Al-Jazeera reported the news on Turkey’s incursion into Syria stated the fact of history that:

“Suleiman Shah son Qutalmish grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan bin Ertugrul Osman the first. Was head of a small clan of about five thousand people called (Kaya). The tribe headed west toward Syria to escape the Mongol invasions, more than eight hundred years ago. While Suleiman Shah was passing with his clan the Euphrates River near Ja’bar castle in Syria, he drowned in the river with some of his entourage in 1231 and his body was not found. His tomb was set up as a memorial for him and one of his ministers, near the western slopes Ja’bar Castle. When Sultan Selim I conquered Syria, following the battle of Dabiq near Aleppo on August 8th, 1516, he set up graves fitting Ottoman dignity which became a hub for  travelers and visitors calling it “the Turkish shrine”. During the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the late nineteenth century it emerged as the largest tomb for public attention, and was renovated and expanded fitting the surrounding area.”

No, the tomb was not empty because Suliman Shah was some messiah and his body resurrected, fact is, history records that “his body was never found”.

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TRANSLATION: “While Suleiman Shah was passing with his clan the Euphrates River near Ja’bar castle in Syria, he drowned in the river with some of his entourage in 1231 and his body was not found. His tomb was set up as a memorial for him and one of his ministers, near the western slopes Ja’bar Castle. When Sultan Selim I conquered Syria, following the battle of Dabiq near Aleppo on August 8th, 1516, he set up graves fitting Ottoman dignity which became a hub for travelers and visitors”.

Yet, even Al-Jazeera reported the history correctly, but then reported the news as if there were remains of Suliman Shah.

Why did all the media not include this fact?

Answer: Politics.


Don’t be.

Turkey, the media, the U.S. government, when it comes to some made up story about rescuing some remains were all simply lying and they knew it. They needed an excuse to upset the Syrian regime.

And now you know the rest of the story.

To find out the truth behind Turkey’s incursion into Syria [read here]

P.S: We usually get tremendous traffic on stories of this sort while we get very little on more serious issues on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. For example, we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians who literally live under slavery. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, perdominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians too are burned in furnaces in Pakistan with no one to morn them. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”.CONSIDER DONATING TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS

The post So What Was In The Tomb Which Turkey Invaded Syria Over? Turkey Claimed It Wanted To Rescue The Remains Of Sulaiman Shah, An Icon Of The Ottomans. But What They Found In The Tomb Will Shock You. appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

Obama Administration Insisting ISIS Not Islamic in Order to Protect Stealth Muslim Jihadists


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson appeared on Fox News Sunday and essentially admitted that leaders of Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. are helping to set policy in the Middle East. He even quoted these leaders as saying Islam is ‘about peace and brotherhood’.

A common meme put forth by Johnson in that clip as justification that ISIS is not Islamic is the fact that ISIS kills Muslims too. Based on that reality, an admission by the administration that ISIS is Islamic would mean that Muslims kill Muslims, Christians, Jews and others, with the one common denominator being Islam.

Unfortunately for stealth jihadists in the U.S. who have the ear of the Obama administration – as they did during the Clinton and Bush administrations – the actions of ISIS are forcing them to go into hyper-propaganda mode. To this point, the strategy of the Obama administration has been to facilitate that propaganda under the auspices that calling ISIS Islamic would give the terrorists legitimacy, notwithstanding the fact that the head of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic Studies.

Leader of ISIS Steeped in Islamic education.

Leader of ISIS Steeped in Islamic education.

Johnson is certainly not the only administration official to say this. Consider close Obama foreign policy adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. He has repeatedly and adamantly insisted that Islamic terrorists should not be called Jihadists. In the short clip below in the wake of the Paris Charlie Hebdo attacks, Brzezinski essentially admits that Islamic terror attacks are acts of Jihad by admitting that Jihad means Holy War. Nonetheless, his argument is that by referring to Islamic terrorists by that term gives them legitimacy.

Watch the look on the face of Brzezinski’s daughter at the end of this clip selection:

Obama himself has insisted that ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ as well:

The insistence that ISIS not be identified as Islamic is about protecting the stealth jihadists more than anything else. Even if it seems rational to some that calling Islamic terrorists Islamic will grant those terrorists legitimacy, a simple question must be asked and answered: Why do leaders with stealth Muslim Brotherhood front groups so want this distinction to be made by the Obama administration?

Any formal admission that ISIS IS Islamic would get America to a place where there is a problem with Islam. This would have a devastating effect on the stealth jihadist agenda, which would be a good thing.

It also requires knowing and opposing the enemy.

h/t GWP

The post Obama Administration Insisting ISIS Not Islamic in Order to Protect Stealth Muslim Jihadists appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

AMAZING GUTS: It takes a 12 year old boy to show courage in standing up to Obama’s hatred for America


C J Pearson a 12 year old boy who is obviously conservative and Christian calls out Obama and supports the sentiments of Rudy Giuliani.

This is great, only comment that it is shameful that the pathethic “conservative” politicians do not have the same spine this kid has, most of them stood back from Rudy Giuliani’s comments.

Way to go C J, we support you and your willingness to speak the truth.

If I hade CJ’s address I would send him a free copy of Walid’s book “God’s War on Terror” then he would be really equipped to go after Obama even more.

The post AMAZING GUTS: It takes a 12 year old boy to show courage in standing up to Obama’s hatred for America appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

MERS Is Surging Again In The Land Of The Harlot Of Babylon, Saudi Arabia: The Cover-Ups Behind Muslims Drinking Camel Urine


Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is rearing its head again in Saudi Arabia but somehow health officials and scientists can do little more than scratch their heads when trying to explain where it comes from. The problem is the most likely cause is almost as easying as adding two plus two and getting four. According to Reuters:

The UN group – a international delegation of scientists and public health experts from World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Organization for Animal Health – visited Saudi Arabia last week to investigate a sharp rise in MERS cases.


All the experts are there, right? The best and the brightest in the business was at ground zero for MERS. In order to stop this deadly virus, the origins of it have to be discovered, right?

Saudi Arabia has not done enough to investigate and control a deadly new MERS virus that has killed hundreds of people there and remains in many ways a mystery, United Nations health experts said on Monday.

Cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are surging again, but Saudi health officials and scientists appear unable to explain where the infections start and how they spread, the UN experts said.

Much of this head-scratching should be unnecessary because the most obvious explanation for the source of the virus has already been determined:

Initial scientific studies have linked MERS to camels, but disease experts say it is not at all clear how the infection passes from the animals. Many people infected in the community and in hospitals report no contact with camels, they note.

“There are so many aspects of the virus that are still unknown,” said Berhe Tekola, director of the FAO’s animal production and health division.

While many of these people may not have access to camels, there is an abundance of Camel-based products on the market, not the least of which is camel urine for human consumption.

Westerner introduced to camel urine

Westerner introduced to camel urine

Drinking camel urine is quite common in Saudi Arabia. There are videos galore of Saudis doing it. As for why western health officials may be loathe to connect dots between the MERS virus making it to humans from camels, it very well could be political. As Shoebat.com has reported in the past, camel urine and products from the animal are held in extremely high regard. Telling Saudis to stop using camel products because MERS is being transmitted from camels is practically sacrilegious.

These products are hot in Jordan and we also have cases of MERS in Jordan.

Even CNN Arabic promoted under its “Health and Technology” column an article titled “A mouthful a day” and even in capsule form – just like you would with fish oil, massage it into your hair or apply it directly to your face. For best results, the CNN report recommends “to take mouthfuls of camel urine daily for an entire year” and to make sure the camel be a female virgin. Surveys are even done to conclude from patients that, the urine of a virgin camel has a “preferable distinct flavor and aroma.”

Westerners are not accustomed to how camel urine is an essential aphrodisiac to many Muslims as Ginseng is to Chinese.

There are even conferences on the “wonders and secrets of healing from camel urine,” that “camel urine is the miracle of our time and is a gift from Muhammad to mankind.”

Fatin Khorshid, of the King Fahd Medical Research Center sees it as the ultimate solution to “all sorts of ailments” like “cancer,” “digestive tract,” “diarrhea,” “sexual dysfunction,” “liver disease,” “skin ulcers,” “cosmetics,” etc.

In an effort to further promote its medicinal value in the fight against cancer worldwide, professor Khorshid has also applied for a swath of international patents. The US application, which covers “an absolutely novel use of camel urine,” focuses on PM701 (the “PM” stands for “Prophet Medicine”), obtained from the adult single-humped Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) found roaming natural pastures near Jeddah. ‘Separation and formulation of bioactive fraction and sub-fraction from camel urine work as anticancer agent.’ (US patent app. 2009/0297622 A1)

Amazingly, no one in the Muslim world is insulted by applying camel urine to the prophet of Islam. Many advise drinking it straight from the tap:

Even Al-Jazeera promotes a documentary for Camel urine:

And to become a blond, a thing that is desired in the Middle East, talk shows promote camel urine to be poured on the head, let it sit for 10 minutes and you will become blond:

In the above video, Dr. Umayma Al-Jouhari encourages that for best results for hair is to follow the tradition of the women in Taif, Saudi Arabia, who use camel urine as fresh as possible every time they bathe. “Freshness is key to get best results by placing your head under the camel” say al-Jouhari. And if MERS virus is in the urine which most Arabian camels are found infected, contracting the disease could be as easy as a husband breathing his wife’s hair during a romantic escapade.

Arabian camel urine is even exported globally in facial creams and hair products:

Advertisements are running wild throughout the Middle East. For shiny hair and a solution for baldness one ad boasts that they “will deliver anywhere in the Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates.” When spoken about Camel urine, the so-called experts even give thanks to Muhammad the Prophet of Islam for his provision and bountiful blessing: “Prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad.”
The “bountiful blessing” is camel urine.

Speaking to the Saudi Gazette, Dr. Khorshid claimed that she was inspired by Prophet Muhammad’s medical advice and that camel urine consists of natural substances that work to eradicate malignant cells and maintain the number of healthy cells in a cancer patient. “This treatment is not an invention, but rather, taken from our Prophet’s legacy,” she remarked.

A Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari (2855) and Muslim (1671) claims that some people came to Madina and fell ill with bloated abdomens. The Prophet (pbuh) told them to combine the milk and urine of a camel and drink that, after which they supposedly recovered. Al-Bukhari and Muslim are the two highest authorities in Islam which makes the issue difficult for honest Muslim doctors to argue against for fear of persecution. Few in the Middle East are attempting to refute the claim for fear of being punished for blasphemy.

Despite all this evidence, doctors are having one heck of a time figuring out how people are contracting MERS. Reporters are pointing the finger at the Saudis, who seem to have no interest in pointing the finger at themselves:

Saudi Arabia is not doing enough to control the spread of the deadly MERS virus, which has infected 50 people in the oil-rich kingdom this month alone, say WHO experts. The virus remains largely shrouded in mystery.

“Critical gaps in knowledge remain, and several challenges … will require further work,” experts who are part of an investigative WHO committee said in a joint statement. “How and why infections occur in the community is yet to be understood, and this is critical for stopping the outbreak.”

Since 2012, more than 1,000 cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) have been reported and almost 400 deaths. Infection has been confirmed in the US, France, the UK and other countries, usually after travel to Saudi Arabia, where the virus was first identified.

The only reason for the virus to be shrouded in mystery is political correctness.

The post MERS Is Surging Again In The Land Of The Harlot Of Babylon, Saudi Arabia: The Cover-Ups Behind Muslims Drinking Camel Urine appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

WHAT EVERY AMERICAN MUST KNOW: The Roots of U.S. Domestic Muslim Brotherhood Problem and the Reasons Why the Republican Establishment Avoid It


This is the third article in a series. Part two can be read here.

The details about why someone very high up in the George W. Bush administration intentionally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory barely six months after 9/11 are not entirely known. What is known is that someone high up in the administration made that call and no fewer than two Muslim American leaders aggressively lobbied for that defeat – Talat Othman and Khaled Saffuri. The outcome – regardless of causation – appeared to be in line with their efforts.


Coincidental or not, Othman had connections to both George H.W. and George W. dating back more than a decade and in 2000, Saffuri was named by Karl Rove as the Bush campaign’s point man for Muslim outreach.

Rove and Norquist (photo via AP)

Rove and Norquist (photo via AP)

Yes, George W. – through Karl Rove and Grover Norquist – embraced Muslim leaders both before and after the 2000 election but what about the first Bush administration?

According to a 2004 article by respected writer Kenneth Timmerman, Saffuri revealed some potentially very relevant details in this regard. In talking about Abdurahman Alamoudi, a Muslim who would later be convicted on terrorism charges, and Jamal Barzinji, an early founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. who is connected to multiple groups with ties to terror financing, Saffuri was quoted as saying:

“In 1990 and 1991, George Bush Senior was meeting with them, and he was taking advice from them on how to deal with Iraq. You know, when I looked from the outside, I saw them meeting with the president and said, ‘Wow, that’s impressive.’ Seeing those people going inside and outside the White House, that gave them legitimacy. So for me to come and work with them five years later, I should not be suspicious of anything they do.”

Othman, a Palestinian-born Muslim American, began meeting with George H.W. Bush in 1990 (August, to be exact) according to a 1991 Wall Street Journal article. At that time, he had a history that included serving on the Board of Harken Energy with George W. for approximately three years (he would one day deliver a Muslim prayer at the 2000 Republican National Convention).

In 1992, during the George H.W. Bush administration, Alamoudi would begin a years-long stint as a State Department emissary to Muslim lands. Two years earlier Alamoudi founded the American Muslim Council (AMC), a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization.

Saffuri would work for Alamoudi at the latter’s AMC from 1993-98, breaking from Alamoudi at about the same time he co-founded the Islamic Free Market Institute (Islamic Institute) with Grover Norquist.

In 2000, just outside the White House and just days prior to George W. being elected, Alamoudi – with microphone in hand – pledged his support to Hamas and Hezbollah while shouting, ‘Allahu Akbar':

Less than one year later, a line was seared in American history on September 11, 2001.

If ever there was a moment of truth for the George W. Bush administration, it was then. What would he do, distance himself from the Muslim Brotherhood front groups and leaders he had for years associated with or continue to embrace them?

Though the answer to that question seemed to come within days, its significance was not processed adequately by the American people, who were all desperately trying to come to grips with what had just happened. Those who seek to excuse the administration based on hindsight should read the diary of William Murray, written days after 9/11 by a man who had access to far less information than did the White House.

On September 14th, Bush attended a memorial service at the National Cathedral and spoke. Unfortunately, a man who shared the pulpit with him was none other than the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. Three days after that, Bush spoke at the Islamic Center of Washington. Standing behind him was none other than Khaled Saffuri and Nihad Awad, Executive Director of another organization deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Rove: 'I wish I had known'

Rove: ‘I wish I had known’

On September 26th, Bush welcomed many of these same leaders into the White House. The decision about how the administration would deal with the internal Muslim Brotherhood threat may have been best revealed by an extremely disturbing response by Rove to a question about why the administration would meet with people who had such backgrounds. Rove reportedly feigned ignorance, saying:

“I wish I had known before the event took place.”

The decision had clearly been made to continue the relationships.

The following month, Operation Green Quest (OGQ) was launched. Its mission? To turn over all the stones in the U.S. under which Muslim terrorist financiers were operating – and to prosecute them.

In March of 2002, the offices of several Saudi-backed, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations in Virginia were raided in a huge dragnet operation conducted by OGQ. Alamoudi’s AMC was smack dab in the middle of it. Within two weeks, Othman and Saffuri, both part of a cadre of Muslim leaders concerned about ‘civil-rights violations’ connected to the raid, attended a luncheon to address those concerns with Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, who headed the entity conducting the investigation. Something counter to America’s interests appeared to have been set in motion soon after that April 4th luncheon.

George W. Bush with Soon-to-be FBI Director Robert Mueller in 2001.

George W. Bush with Soon-to-be FBI Director Robert Mueller in 2001.

The intention of the meeting – from the perspective of Othman and Saffuri – was to get the heat off their Muslim colleagues in the name of civil-rights concerns. Less than three months later, FBI Director Robert Mueller appeared to be offering at least suggestive assistance in that department, when he spoke at an AMC event.

According to a Fox News report published soon after that luncheon, FBI leadership was already playing down AMC’s bonafides as a terrorist financing operation:

The interesting question is not what FBI Director Robert Mueller said when he appeared before the annual convention of the American Muslim Council Friday.

The interesting question is why he appeared at all.

Though an FBI spokesman described the AMC last week as “the most mainstream Muslim group in the country,” the bureau’s counterintelligence operatives, field agents and other specialists know the real truth about the AMC: namely, that it has long been associated with, endorsed and otherwise supported radicals of various stripes who share a common, usually virulent antipathy towards the United States.

Those field agents were right. Alamoudi would be arrested on charges related to terrorism one year later and sentenced to more than two decades in prison in 2004. However, the charges associated with the financing of terrorism out of those Virginia offices were conspicuously absent.

Abdurahman Alamoudi with George W. Bush in Texas Governor's Mansion.

Abdurahman Alamoudi with George W. Bush in Texas Governor’s Mansion.

In 1981, Alamoudi founded the Islamic Society of Boston Mosque in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For the next 19 years, the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual kingpin Yusuf al-Qaradawi served as a Trustee of the Mosque. This was the same mosque attended by at least one of the Boston Marathon bombers. In a heated exchange between Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and FBI Director Robert Mueller weeks after the bombing, Gohmert asked Mueller if he knew that Alamoudi founded the ISB. Mueller, who inexplicably elevated Alamoudi and the AMC to a position of respectability in June of 2002, said he did not. Among the individuals the OGQ raids would have ultimately led to, al-Qaradawi may have been at or near the top of the list.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi at Dar al-Hijrah Mosque (L) and Kansas City several years earlier (R).

Yusuf al-Qaradawi at Dar al-Hijrah Mosque (L) and Kansas City several years earlier (R).

Al-Qaradawi was banned from the U.S. in 1999, 18 years after becoming a Trustee of ISB and three years before the FBI would sing the praises of a group founded by the founder of the ISB.

Question: How could Mueller state in 2002 that Alamoudi headed ‘the most mainstream Muslim group’ in America and then in 2013 say he didn’t know that Alamoudi founded the ISB more than 30 years earlier or that the top Spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood served as a trustee for nearly twenty years?

The FBI’s assertion that the AMC was ‘the most mainstream Muslim group’ in America was clearly wrong. Again, why? Incompetence? Cover-up? Something else?

Mueller became the Director of the FBI one week before the 9/11 attacks, headed the FBI at the time of both Alamoudi’s arrest and conviction, and said he was unaware that Alamoudi founded the mosque attended by the Boston Marathon bombers, who were responsible for the murder of three spectators and two police officers as well as nearly 300 injured:

Part four of this series is forthcoming and will be linked to here once published.

The post WHAT EVERY AMERICAN MUST KNOW: The Roots of U.S. Domestic Muslim Brotherhood Problem and the Reasons Why the Republican Establishment Avoid It appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

LOUISIANA GOVERNOR BLOWS IT: Calls Turkey an ‘Ally’ And Recommends Arming Muslims Who Want a Caliphate


In his interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal started out just fine when talking about the need for the U.S. to identify Islamic fundamentalists as the enemy… and then came the 3:57 mark. At that point, Jindal referred to Turkey as an ‘ally’ the U.S. should rely on to remove Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Jindal also said he thinks Congress should give Obama ‘more than he’s asked for’.

What Jindal clearly does not understand is that every Muslim group in opposition to Assad in Syria seeks a Caliphate, including Turkey (h/t Right Scoop):

As Shoebat.com has chronicled over the last month, Jindal has been one of the rare politicians who has shown a willingness to speak out against the Obama administration on issues like the politically correct morass of what to call Islamic terrorism. This latest performance by Jindal shows he just doesn’t get it.

Turkey is not an ally of the west, regardless of its status as a NATO member state.

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ISIS Nazis Burn THOUSANDS of Ancient and Priceless Books


“Where books are burned, in the end, people will be burned.” – Heinrich Heine

Perhaps it is no coincidence that as the world hears of the horrors of ISIS burning people alive in cages, it is also burning books. ISIS has struck again in Mosul Iraq. This time, its target was a library filled with ancient and priceless books and manuscripts:

“ISIS militants bombed the Mosul Public Library. They used improvised explosive devices,” said Ghanim al-Ta’an, the director of the library. Notables in Mosul tried to persuade ISIS members to spare the library, but they failed.

The former assistant director of the library Qusai All Faraj said that the Mosul Public Library was established in 1921, the same year that saw the birth of the modern Iraq. Among its lost collections were manuscripts from the eighteenth century, Syriac books printed in Iraq’s first printing house in the nineteenth century, books from the Ottoman era, Iraqi newspapers from the early twentieth century and some old antiques like an astrolabe and sand glass used by ancient Arabs. The library had hosted the personal libraries of more than 100 notable families from Mosul over the last century.

Mosul Library

Mosul Library

Again, the parallels between the Nazis and Muslims is on display for all to see. In addition to a shared hatred of the Jews and an alliance between Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, both reveled in the destruction of books:

One news report expressed succinctly, with near perfection what the sheer evil of ISIS in destroying the books:

When militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria invaded the Central Library of Mosul in January, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy: other people’s ideas.

Here is actual footage of Nazi students marching and burning books on a bonfire. As the books burned Nazi propagandist Goebbels told students that they would be educated by the Nazis, not books filled with alternate thoughts. As a propagandist for evil, Goebbels clearly had his work cut out for him. Eliminating books, something Goebbels refers to in the video as ‘intellectual garbage’ was necessary for that evil to be carried out:

The post ISIS Nazis Burn THOUSANDS of Ancient and Priceless Books appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

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