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Christian Pastor, John Piper: I Would Not Have Killed Hitler, Because The Bible Says To Love Your Neighbor And “Thou Shalt Not Kill”


Posted in FeaturedGeneral

By Theodore Shoebat Christian pastor, John Piper, said that he would not have killed Hitler because the Bible says to love your neighbor. I did an entire video on this: Killing Hitler would not have been murder, and it would not be going against loving your neighbor, but instead, it would be a great illustration […]

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ISIS Jihadists Take Young Girl And Sell Her Into Sex Slavery, She Takes A Pistol And Shoots Her Captor To Death

NEW REPORT: Mass Grave Discovered, Filled With Forty Mutilated Bodies Of Victims Murdered By Muslim Jihadists


Posted in FeaturedGeneral

By Theodore Shoebat A mass grave filled with forty mutilated bodies has been discovered in the Muslim area of Balochistan in Pakistan. Only a few of the victims have been identified, but the rest are pending: “Not all bodies have been identified. Merely three out of 17 bodies have been identified so far. The government […]

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Obama Makes This Declaration To The American People: “We are not at war with Islam”


By Theodore Shoebat

Obama just made this declaration to the American people:

We are not at war with Islam… We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.

In the rest of the statement he said:

They try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors in defense of Islam… he said. …We must never accept the premise that they put forward because it is a lie. Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek. They are not religious leaders. They are terrorists.

A little knowledge on Islamic history and ideology refutes this.

An Islamic scholar could take the violent verses of the Koran and easily interpret them as to only signify self-defense, or at least limit them to the single historical context of Muhammad’s day. But this is not the case. For there are two sources to the theological framework of Islam: the Koran and the Hadith.

The Koran contains the spiritual teachings, in that (according to Islam), it comes directly from Allah’s mouth to Muhammad’s ear. The Hadith is the application of the spiritual teachings, in that it illustrates how Muhammad utilized the verses in real life. The Hadith is the practical application of the Koran, it shows how Muhammad, and his earliest followers, carried it out.

So lets first take a look at the Koran, the Hadith, and some examples from later Islamic history, and see how they compare with ISIS.

The Koran is inherently anti-Christian and anti-Jewish, this is the first point we must stress, for it indicates the main goal of Islam, and this is to destroy Christianity and the Jews. To understand this, is to understand ISIS. It wants to destroy Christianity because Muhammad’s primary aspiration was to replace Trinitarianism with unitarianism. It wants to destroy the Jews because they rejected Muhammad being their messiah and their prophet.

One of the most quoted Koranic verses that people use to prove Islam’s terrorist nature is Surah 9:29:

Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture and believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the religion of truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.

But when you read further, going beyond the verse, what you will find is that the two targets specified are Christians and Jews, since the violent injunctions aims particularly against those who follow Jesus and monks (Christians) and those who follow Ezra and rabbis (Jews):

Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture and believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the religion of truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they! They have taken as lords beside Allah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One God. There is no god save Him. Be He glorified from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)! (Surah 9:29-31)

The anti-Christian and the anti-Jewish spirit of the Koran provides us with a clear point of explanation as to how an escalation and intensification in hatred toward these two peoples can occur within the Islamic soul. The Koran may not say, “take Christians and cut them to pieces” or “rape their women,” but it does not put a limit to rage and to how far one can go in violence.

In other words, it commands to fight against Christians and Jews, but it does not truly set a limitation to brutality.

One of the most severe forms of brutality exhibited by ISIS was when they butchered hundreds of Iraqi soldiers, making such a slaughter that they formed a river of human blood:

In the video the narrator exclaims:

Here was the spark ignited in Iraq. It will arise Allah willing until they burn the armies of the cross in Dabiq

As Walid Shoebat wrote, explaining this line:

According to Islam, Dabiq is a prophetic battle which speaks of the Last Hour (Day of Judgment) would not come until the Christian masses would land at Dabiq (in Syria) and they will be defeated and then the cross is finally destroyed and all Christian survivors that are left will convert to Islam.

The reason for throwing victims in the river stems from Khalid bin Walid. When the Christians and Persians from Ullays turned down a peace offer by Khalid bin Al-Walid, the most respected Muslim general in Muslim history.

The story goes that when Khalid made a vow to Allah during the battle that if he defeated these resistors, he would make the canal that surrounded their village literally run with their blood. When the outcome was in Khalid’s favor, it actually took a day and a half to behead all of the captives. The obstacle for Khalid was that the ravine of blood coagulated and Khalid’s troops were forced to eventually release water into the canal in order that it would run red with the blood of the slain lest Khalid’s vow be left unfulfilled.

Some of Khalid’s men wanted to meticulously fulfill his wishes:

“Even if you were to kill all the population of the earth, their blood would still not run… Therefore send water over it, so that you may fulfill your oath.”

Khalid had blocked the water from the canal. Now Khalid brought the water back, so that it flowed with spilled blood. Owing to this it has been called Blood Canal to this day.

No Muslim be they ISIS or just the average follower, would ever reject Khalid bin Al-Walid, or his actions in Persia, as non-Islamic, and I would like to see Obama try to find one who would. Khaldi and his actions perfectly exemplify the violent nature of Islam.

Furthermore, Obama said that there is nothing in Islam that teaches to “cut people’s heads off”. What then does Obama do we do with the verse in the Koran that says:

I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. (8:12)

The command to behead or strike with the sword is applied by the Hadith to Catholic monks with tonsures, or the form of shaved head done within the traditional monastic life. When Abu Bakr, the successor to Muhammad, was about to conquer Syria, he commanded all of his soldiers to strike with the sword Catholic monks:

You will meet people who have shaved the crowns of their heads, leaving a band of hair around it. Strike them with the sword.

This would explain why al-Nusra, another jihadist group no different from ISIS in violence and brutality, just last year beheaded the Catholic Franciscan monk, Francois Murad, as we read from a report on the brutal murder:

According to sources close to the Syriac Orthodox Archbishop, it was confirmed that the incident does actually involve a Syrian Catholic priest Father François Murad 49, and two of his assistants. This video shows militants believed to be Chechen gunmen speaking Arabic with a broken accent, slaughtering three people in the countryside of Edlib, including Father François Murad, who was patron of Sumaan al-Amoudi Monastery.

Father Francois and two assistants were brutally executed – beheaded with a small combat knife. Echoing previous beheading recorded by insurgents, the head is held up to the cheers of onlookers and then placed on the body.

So then, how could ISIS’ beheading of people be seen as non-Islamic when the Koran and the Hadith themselves specifically prescribe beheadings and killings of Christians?

ISIS took a young Christian boy, the son of an Anglican cleric, and cut him in half.

You could say that this is not Islamic, but such a claim would be impossible when put against the Hadith.

Tell me, Mr. Obama, how can ISIS be un-Islamic when Was Zyad bin Haritha, one of the closest and earliest companions to Muhammad, took Umm, an old woman, and split her body in two by tying her to two moving camels? As the Hadith witnesses:

Allah’s Messenger sent Zayd to Wadi Qura, where he encountered the Banu Fazarah. Some of his Companions were killed, and Zayd was carried away wounded. Ward was slain by the Banu Badr. When Zayd returned, he vowed that no washing should touch his head until he had raided the Fazarah. After he recovered, Muhammad sent him with an army against the Fazarah settlement. He met them in Qura and inflicted casualties on them and took Umm Qirfah prisoner. He also took one of Umm’s daughters and Abdallah bin Mas’adah prisoner. Zyad bin Harithah ordered Qays to kill Umm, and he killed her cruelly. He tied each of her legs with a rope and tied the ropes to two camels, and they split her in two. (Tabari Vol.8:Page.96)

In April of this year, Jihadists invaded the Christian village of Maaloula in Syria, and when they took control they crucified two Christian teenagers for refusing to convert to Islam.

The story was reported on a Croatian Catholic website. According to Sister Raghida, former head of the Christian school in Damascus, the Muslims came to the two youths and said:

So you want to die as a teacher in whom you trust? Please choose: either to renounce ( faith ) or you will be crucified!

One of them was crucified in front of his father, who was afterwards killed.

Now of course Obama would say that this is also non-Islamic, but his words are found to be vain when put against the Koran itself, which commands crucifixions against non-believers:

The punishment of anyone who fights against Allah and His apostle and do mischief in the land is to be killed or crucified or to have their hands and feet from opposite ends or be banished from the land. (Quran: The table spread)

As we wrote in a former article, ISIS believes in the ritual of human sacrifice, where they shed the blood of their victims with the belief that it will appease Allah. In one instance an ISIS fighter slaughtered a number of Iraqi soldiers, and before killing them, said this prayer:

In defense of the Sunnis O Lord, O Lord, We bring these offerings to you, O Lord. Please accept this sacrificial offering, O Lord. O Lord, accept this from us, accept this from us. In the name of Allah. Bismillah (In the name of Allah). Allahu Akbar

ISIS is simply following the Islamic belief in human sacrifice as it was illustrated by the Islamic figure, Khalid Abdullah al-Kasri, who ritually sacrificed Jaad bin Durham in the place of an animal on the Islamic holiday of The Festival of Sacrifice. He dragged Durham into a mosque, and before spilling his blood, proclaimed:

O people, sacrifice, Allah accepted your sacrifices. I am now sacrificing Jaad bin Durham.

So Mr. Obama, does al-Kasri misrepresent true Islam? Or what about all of the Islamic authorities, Al-Shafi’, Ibin Tayymiya, Bukhari, Dhahabi, Ibin Al-Qiyam, Darami and Ibin Katheer, who accept the story as orthodox? Are they, who no Sunni Muslim would reject, also non-Islamic?

No Sunni Muslim, be they layman or ISIS member, would denounce the infamous Islamic leader of the 13th century, Al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari (mostly known as simply Baibars).

One of the greatest figures in Islamic history is the great Mamluk warlord, Baibars, who is most famously known for defeating the Mongols. Baibars butchered and tyrannized the entire Christian population of Antioch, slaughtering priests, selling women, destroying crosses and churches, ripping up Bibles, and feeling very proud about doing such evil. Tell me, Mr. Obama, did Baibars, who is praised by the entire Muslim world as a hero, misrepresent true Islam when he, with great boasting, wrote these words to the Christian leader of Antioch, Bohemond VI, of his bloodshed:

Death came among the besieged from all sides and by all roads: we killed all that thou hadst appointed to guard the city or defend its approaches. If thou hadst seen thy knights trampled under the feet of the horses, thy provinces given up to pillage, thy riches distributed by measures full, the wives of thy subjects put to public sale; if thou hadst seen the pulpits and crosses overturned, the leaves of the Gospel torn and cast to the winds, and the sepulchres of thy patriarchs profaned; if thou hadst seen thy enemies, the Muslims, trampling upon the tabernacle, and immolating in the sanctuary, monk, priest and deacon; in short, if thou hadst seen thy palaces given up to the flames, the dead devoured by the fire of this world, the Church of St Paul and that of St Peter completely and entirely destroyed, certainly thou wouldst have cried out “Would to Heaven that I were become dust!”

When ISIS controls Christian lands, they impose a brutal tax, called jizya, upon them. When they took control of Mosul they ordered Christians that they must pay $250 or more, or be slaughtered. According to one report:

The semi-official channel Al-Iraqiya quoted sources as saying that “The terrorist gangs of ISIL imposed Jizya on Christians in Mosul, so as not to be killed,” Al-Manar reported.

“The Jizya amounts start from $250 and end up at large sums imposed on the traders. ”

ISIL launched a wide offensive in Northern Iraq in June, committing a massacre against more than 1000 Iraqis in Nineveh province.

Obama may argue that this has nothing to do with Islam, but the Koran disagrees:

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (9:29)

This verse was utilized by the Muslims when they, under Khalid and Abu Bakr, two of the most closest companions of Muhammad, conquered Christian Syria, which is exactly what ISIS is trying to do now.

The Muslims invaded Roman Syria with an army of seventy thousand. The caliph Abu Bakr sent a letter to all of Muhammad’s followers expressing his intent “to send the true believers into Syria to take it out of the hands of the infidels. And I would have you know that the fighting for religion is an act of obedience to God.” At 633 the invasion began, and in 639 the Christians were subdued to the sound of these words from the mouth of Khalid:

Ye Christian dogs, you know your option; the Koran, the tribute, or the sword. (1)

This is exactly what ISIS tells Christians: convert to Islam, pay the Jizya, leave, or be killed.

After the Muslims took control of Egypt in the 7th century, they did the same thing as what ISIS is doing, and wants to do.

At the beginning of the eighth century Egypt became under the governorship of the Muslim Asabah, whose main liaison consisted of a deacon turned apostate named Benjamin. From this heretic, not surprisingly, Asabah learned methods on how to reduce the Christian population with the purpose of making it powerless: he taxed every monk in Egypt one piece of gold, ordered a census to document their numbers, decreed that no man was to become a monk unless first accepted by the government, and imposed a tax of two thousand gold pieces on bishops. (2)

These tyrannical edicts should remind us of what the progressives in the West wish to do to Christianity and to society as a whole: destroy the church and control the population through a census. One day Asabah entered a church in Helwan, and when his wicked eyes saw a magnificent painting of Mary with her Son Jesus, he asked a bishop on the significance of the portrait. After receiving the meaning, he spat upon the picture and swore that the time would come that he would “exterminate Christianity from the country.” (3)

These last words are the aspiration of ISIS and any true Muslim, to destroy Christianity, to obliterate the Orthodox teaching of the Trinity and replace it with unitarianism.

Regardless of this dark history, we have people like Dennis Prager who writes, “During some of the Western world’s darkest periods, Islam was a religious light in the monotheistic world. The seeds of ethical monotheism are deeply rooted in Islam. ” (Prager, Ethical Monotheism)

Prager, like Obama, is promulgating the concept that Islam is inherently good. But tell me, how was Islam spreading the light “ethical monotheism” when in its earliest history they were killing and tyrannizing Christians?

I believe that this article has sufficiently proven the words of Obama to naught.



(1) In Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vol. v, ch. li, pp. 947-948, ed. Hans-Friedrich Mueller, see the editor’s annotations; Alfred J. Andrea, Christendom and the Umma, in Thomas F. Madden’s The Crusades, part 1, p. 19

(2) Butcher, The Story of the Church of Egypt, vol. i, part ii, ch. iii, pp. 398-394

(3) Ibid, p. 394

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Rome, Italy and ALL of Europe Under GRAVE Threat as ISIS Threatens to Ship Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants and Terrorists From Libya


It was just a few months ago that ISIS declared war on the Vatican and threatened to conquer Rome. Now it is threatening to ship hundreds of thousands of migrants, mixed with a substantial amount of ISIS terrorists, into Europe on mass boatlifts. When it comes to European countries that are closest to Libya, Rome’s home country of Italy is at the top of the list.

Rome In Danger from ISIS Boatlifts from LIbya.

Rome In Danger from ISIS Boatlifts from LIbya.

Just a few months before he was removed from power in 2011, Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi predicted that the Mediterranean would become a ‘sea of chaos’. Now, a country that was part of the NATO operation to remove Gadhafi is perhaps under the greatest threat of its own actions.

According to a report at the UK Daily Mail (h/t BNI):

ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a ‘psychological’ attack against the West, it was claimed today.

Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a ‘psychological weapon’ against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya.

Many would be at risk of drowning with rescue services unable to cope. But authorities fear that if numbers on this scale arrived, European cities could witness riots.

Separately, the militants hope to cement their control of Libya then cross the Mediterranean disguised as refugees, according to letters seen by Quilliam the anti-terror group, reported by the Telegraph.

Italian Minister for the Interior Angelino Alfano said on Monday that Libya was the ‘absolute priority’ and insisted there was ‘not a minute to lose’ for the international community.

He said: ‘If the militias of the Caliphate advance faster than the decisions of the international community how can we put out the fire in Libya and stem the migration flows? We are at risk of an exodus without precedent.’

More than 170,000 migrants arrived in Italy by boat last year. Since last Friday almost 4,000 have been rescued.

The spread of militancy across Libya was predicted by the country’s deceased leader Muammar Gaddafi, who warned the Mediterranean would become ‘a sea of chaos’.

Quilliam, the organization identified as having seen letters that reveal the plans of ISIS, should be viewed with a degree of skepticism. While the group bills itself as one that fights extremism, the managing director of the group – Haras Rafiq – has a disturbing history with a Turkish Naqshbandi Sheikh named Hisham Kabbani. The two men co-founded the Sufi Muslim Council, as Shoebat.com has reported.

Kabbani was very closely mentored by another such Sheikh named Nazeem Kibrisi who, in 1994, delivered an extremely fiery speech in Belgium, in which he called for the return of the Ottoman Empire. In the front row was none other than current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as Shoebat.com reported. Here is the video:

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Terrorist Who State Department Spokesman Says is a Christian is Funded by Muslim State Sponsor of Terrorism Who Obama’s Brother Worked For in Sudan


After State Department spokesman Marie Harf embarrassed herself by suggesting that ISIS terrorists needed jobs to prevent them from becoming terrorists, she doubled down, as Shoebat.com reported but she also did something unbelievably egregious. While appearing on Morning Joe, Harf invoked the name Joseph Kony as an example of a Christian terrorist. Doing so was nothing short of propaganda and a blatant lie (explained below).

Watch the video (h/t GWP):

A huge problem for Harf is that Kony has been funded by the Muslim Government of Sudan for years and that government is led by none other than Omar al-Bashir, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity. Even U.S. Special Forces who traveled to the region insisted that al-Bashir was harboring Kony. Sudan is also one of four countries currently on the State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.

Kony: Terrorist agent of al-Bashir.

Kony: Terrorist agent of al-Bashir.

In short, Kony is not a Christian at all. It is unadulterated propaganda to say that he is. Why would a so-called Christian terrorist be funded by a wanted Muslim terrorist? While Kony’s atrocities are beyond heinous, they are dwarfed by the atrocities committed by his source of funding, al-Bashir.

Left: Malik Obama at 2010 IDO Conference in Khartoum. Center: Omar al-Bashir presiding over same conference with Malik's boss Suah al-Dahab. Right: Omar al-Bashir.

Left: Malik Obama at 2010 IDO Conference in Khartoum. Center: Omar al-Bashir presiding over same conference with Malik’s boss Suar al-Dahab. Right: Omar al-Bashir.

Perhaps even worse is that Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama once served as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), as Shoebat.com reported. His boss was a man named Suar al-Dahab, who is a key financial player in the area of Islamic terrorism. Shoebat.com has done extensive research on this subject and it is not speculation (see more here, here, here, here, here and here).

Malik Obama and his IDO boss,  Suar al-Dahab.

Malik Obama and his IDO boss, Suar al-Dahab.

Suar al-Dahab with Prime Minister of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Suar al-Dahab with Prime Minister of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, Malik is at the center of his own IRS scandal, which ironically involves Lois Lerner giving his Foundation illegal tax-exempt status. It is beyond shameful that no member of Congress has called attention to this. At least one has admitted the claims are ‘spot on':

Here is a short video that explains Malik’s IRS scandal:

Machine Gun Preacher Sam Childers has spent years in South Sudan helping to rescue children from Kony, as Shoebat.com reported. As the KONY 2012 was going insanely viral that year, Childers delivered this response, which pointed out how much worse al-Bashir is than Kony:

If any problems viewing the video of Harf above, you can see her make the comments at the end of this video:

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VIDEO: Savage ISIS Mobs Stomp and Kick Three Men To Death, then Tie Their Bodies to Backs of Motorcycles and Drag Them Through Streets


The savage murders of defenseless people in ISIS-controlled territories continues. Today, you can add the surrounding of three people by Muslim mobs who then proceed to stomp and kick them to death. When they are dead, the bodies are tied to the backs of motorcycles with chains and dragged through the streets.

The three victims were believed to be Syrian soldiers who were both convicted and murdered in the streets near Raqqa, Syria.

This short video via the Daily Mail gives you an idea of what took place. Shoebat.com will update as information and more videos are made available:

**UPDATE at 11:06am ET on February 19, 2015**
The video posted by U.K. Daily Mail is dated, which makes this old news. Here is a YouTube video of the same event, posted last November:

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Obama Planting Flag Of Islam In American History Books


We hear a lot about the United States’ Judeo-Christian heritage, but according to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

That’s what the president told a White House conference on “countering violent extremism” on Wednesday.

Obama has said similar things in the past:

“I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story,” Obama said in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt. “Islam has always been part of America,” he said in a 2010 statement marking the start of Ramadan. And in a 2014 statement marking Eid, Obama said the holiday “also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

In his speech on Wednesday, Obama was making the point that Western nations must show that they “welcome people of all faiths,” at a time when “extremists” are saying that Western nations are “hostile to Muslims.”

“Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding. Generations — (applause) — Generations of Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and to build up America.

“The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America’s first mosque, this was an interesting fact, was in North Dakota.” (It was established in 1929).

Both of those milestones happened well after America’s founding, however. In fact, the new nation’s first dealings with Islam were tense and unpleasant.

According to a Heritage Foundation paper, shortly after America’s founding, the United States “was dragged into the affairs of the Islamic world by an escalating series of unprovoked attacks on Americans by Muslim pirates, the terrorists of the era,” who looted American ships and captured American sailors, holding them for ransom or selling them as slaves.

The paper notes that America’s struggle with Muslim pirates from the Barbary States (modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) began soon after the 13 colonies declared their independence from Britain in 1776 and continued for roughly four decades.

In his remarks on Wednesday, President Obama said Muslim Americans now serve as police officers, firefighters, soldiers, “and in our intelligence communities and in homeland security.”

He said Muslim American heroes are buried at Arlington National Cemetery, “having given their lives in defense of all of us.”

“And, of course, that’s the story extremists and terrorists don’t want the world to know — Muslims succeeding and thriving in America. Because when that truth is known, it exposes their propaganda as the lie that it is.

“It’s also a story that every American must never forget, because it reminds us all that hatred and bigotry and prejudice have no place in our country. It is not just counterproductive. It doesn’t just aid terrorists. It’s wrong. It’s contrary to who we are.”

So-called hate crimes against Muslims escalated in this country after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 — attacks perpetrated by Islamic radicals — but they have never reached the level of hate crimes against Jews, according to the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Reporting statistics.

In 2013, for example, 62.4 percent of hate crime victims were attacked because of anti-Jewish bias, while 11.6 percent were victims of anti-Islamic bias.

Compare that with the year before the 2001 terror attacks: In 2000, of the 1,699 victims of anti-religious hate crime, 74.6 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias; and only 2.1 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Islamic bias.

President Obama on Wednesday stressed that U.S. is not at war with Islam:”We are at war with people who have perverted Islam,” he said.

He also said the West and Islam are not in conflict; and that Islam is not incompatible with modern life, although in the same speech he urged other countries to invest in the education of both males and females — “because countries will not be truly successful if half their populations, if their girls and their women, are denied opportunity.”

In a speech to the same summit on Thursday, Obama noted that many Americans don’t personally know a single Muslim, and they form a distorted impression about Islam by what they hear on the news.

Source: CNS News http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/obama-islam-has-been-woven-fabric-our-country-its-founding

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Guiliani says “Obama does not Love America.” We are getting closer to the Main Stream calling Obama “a traitor,” which Shoebat.com has already proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


Keith Davies political correspondant

Many of you come to our blog because you realize what we expose and say is usually months, sometimes years ahead of the lame stream media and even your favorite conservative talk show host.

For example when we exposed the real brutality of ISIS with human slaughterhouses similar to the death camps of the Nazis, few if any in the media would even take our report as serious, only Mark Levin would do a segment on this issue. Yet over the past month or so, all the barbarity and cruelty of ISIS has been exposed which the other media can now not ignore.

We have been exposing Obama as a traitor based on solid evidence on several issues. The first being Obama’s closeness to President Erdogan of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood, (the link has over 50 articles making our case) the second was the close connection to his brother Malik Obama and his Grandmother’s funding of terrorism, the third is the cover up of Benghazi which obviously was to do with supplying weapons to Al Qaeda in order to depose Bashar Assad of Syria with those same “good” terrorists now giving allegiance to ISIS. The fourth being the supplying of chemical weapons to the terrorists who used them in Syria, so Obama could blame Assad of Syria and initiate the war to depose Assad giving his Muslim Brotherhood their desire for a Caliphate.

As Obama’s conservative opposition complain about him, they use terms like he is “arrogant,” is “incompetent,” is “not serious,” are some of the mild criticisms. Well today former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani stated publicly that President Obama “does not love America.” This is still a “mild” criticism as the truth is far worse, as we have exposed but we are getting closer to what already the well informed people already know. The evidence is now overwhelming, even our allies Jordan and Egypt were denied the intelligence on ISIS in Syria and Libya to help them with precise targets. Why would the United States not help others to destroy our enemy unless Obama has other motives and what are these motives?

There is just too much evidence to show that Obama wishes to allow ISIS to take control and then allow Turkey to come to the rescue so Erdogan can be the “peacnik” bringing stability thereby creating the Caliphate “peacefully.” The problem is the American people (not our readers) are totally unaware and uneducated to the objective of Islam. Maybe Obama can fool the average American that he is a Christian and he loves America but he has shown with his actions and policies that he is a Muslim and a traitor and has so far successfully deceived the American people along with a Republican party who has also leadership that are cowardly and even several that also could be in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood thereby could be viewed as traitors too, with John McCain at the top of the list. Remember John McCain was the leading Republican calling for the Libyan war as well as overthrowing Assad with supplying weapons to “good” terrorists.

Finally we have to contend with Obama blatantly lying as usual to the American people concerning ISIS, declaring them “nothing to do with Islam.” Yesterday in the Atlantic Magazine (liberal magazine) there is a long and detailed article that shows with extensive research the sources of ISIS and its real connection to Islam even going as far to saying that it is the “true Islam.” The article cites real experts who have studied ISIS like Bernard Haykel who is “the foremost secular authority on the Islamic State’s ideology.” If you have 30 minutes to spare you should read the article

Bernard Haykel, the foremost secular authority on the Islamic State’s ideology, believes the group is trying to re-create the earliest days of Islam and is faithfully reproducing its norms of war. “There is an assiduous, obsessive seriousness” about the group’s dedication to the text of the Koran, he says. (Peter Murphy)

Bernard Haykel, the foremost secular authority on the Islamic State’s ideology, believes the group is trying to re-create the earliest days of Islam and is faithfully reproducing its norms of war. “There is an assiduous, obsessive seriousness” about the group’s dedication to the text of the Koran, he says. (Peter Murphy)

as it is very detailed and totally contradicts our dear leaders view of ISIS. This begs the question why the President is lying about ISIS? Is it just more deception so as to allow for his agenda, which is to give the Muslim Brotherhood what they want, which is the renewed Caliphate and Israel surrounded for the final countdown to Armageddon. If so, we all know how that will turn out, so bad news will always turn out to be good news, just as the awful holocaust which was the Jewish Peoples worst tragedy did at least give them Eretz Israel.

The post Guiliani says “Obama does not Love America.” We are getting closer to the Main Stream calling Obama “a traitor,” which Shoebat.com has already proven beyond a reasonable doubt. appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

Obama Betrays The Kurds In The War Against ISIS And Plans To Have U.S. Military To Train More Jihadists


By Walid Shoebat

The United States announced on Wednesday that they selected 1200 Muslim fighters who were described as the Syrian moderate opposition to participate in a program led by the US military for training and armament in order to fight ISIS in Syria while the Kurds who are upset at the news coming from the Pentagon are learning that they were left out and that there is no plan to train them to fight ISIS.

Why would the United States be training Syrians who are more interested in ousting Bashar Al-Assad of Syria while ignoring the best fighters who thwarted ISIS in Kobani: women were able to prove to the world that ISIS was not invincible when they defeated them in Kobani.


The US Department of Defense, the Pentagon in a statement said that “the chosen fighters were subjected to a vetting process before choosing them to join the program which is expected to begin during the month of March”.

According to the Pentagon “The program aims to train 5000 Syrian fighters”, noting that “the possibility of training 3000 fighters until the end of 2015.”


In the photo above, these “moderate” FSA fighters have beards and trimmed mustaches, a clear evidence of Islamism in their blood stream. These were unable to defeat ISIS are considered more moderate and more qualified than these Kurdish women who were able to show  ISIS’s bearded Muslim males that women can defeat them?

This is supposedly a part of a training program of Syrian moderate [Muslim] opposition, according to an official statement from the Kurdish National Council for the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.

Saud Al Mulla of Kurdistan’s Democratic Party in Syria is upset. He said in connection with this news on Thursday, that “the Kurdish National Council is part of the coalition, though these fighters will form the future of Syria’s army, it is the right of the Kurds to participate in the training program sponsored by the U.S.”

He noted that “the Kurdish National Council will ask the coalition to involve Kurdish fighters in response to the program”, pointing that “there is a lack of communications [from the U.S.] regarding this direction, and that in the absence of the coalition’s response, the Kurdish National Council and as part of the Syrian opposition and given that the Kurds are an essential part of Syria , they will demand the United States to be involved in the fight in response to the program directly.”

So what is on Obama’s mind? It has to do with a grand caliphate plan.

I will share it, next, so stay tuned.

Translated from Ara News / Muhammad Dilshad – Qamishlo / Mustafa Hamed Istanbul

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WATCH The Amazing Copts Filled With Joy For The 21 Martyred Copts


By Walid Shoebat

Imagine thanking the killers of two of your brothers who were beheaded and video taped for the whole world to watch the barberic cruelty. Yet, this is exactly what the brother of two of the 21 Coptic Christians did when ISIS murdered both of them in Libya last week. With amazing grace comes amazing faith. Speaking on a live prayer and worship programme Beshir Kamel said that he was proud of his brothers Bishoy Estafanos Kamel (25) and Samuel Estafanos Kamel (23) because they were “a badge of honour to Christianity”.

Harrowing scenes of the murders have been seen around the world. The last words of some of those killed were “Ya Rabbi Yasou” (My Lord Jesus Christ).

The amazing faith of Beshir Kamel even gave thanks, not just to God and Christ, but also to ISIS for not editing out the men’s declaration of belief in Christ because he said this had strengthened not only his own faith but the families of the ex-patriate workers were “congratulating one another” and not in despair: “We are proud to have this number of people from our village who have become martyrs,” he told the programme.

Kamel expressed the story of the Copts: “Since the Roman era, Christians have been martyred and have learned to handle everything that comes our way. This only makes us stronger in our faith because the Bible told us to love our enemies and bless those who curse us.”

But such faith is not void of strength and the view that militarism is also necessary. Kamel welcomed the air strikes launched in response by the Egyptian government, saying: “Only the length of the time period when we didn’t know where they were justified the air strikes for us. If they had been martyred on the same day they were kidnapped, we wouldn’t have asked for any retaliation.”

Asked by host Maher Fayez what he would say if he were asked to forgive ISIS, he related what his mother said she would do if she saw one of the men who killed her son. “My mother, an uneducated woman in her sixties, said she would ask [him] to enter her house and ask God to open his eyes because he was the reason her son entered the kingdom of heaven.”

And if you think this is only him. Shoebat.com has reviewed interviews of several family members of the martyred Copts and pretty much all of them, young and old were so glad at the news.

For example, Habib Lam’i the uncle of one of the martyrs Samuel, as much as the interviewer asks him questions, his response always divert to “we thank Christ so much for they are absent from the body and present with Christ”. Both the interviewer and the family are in complete joy.

“I sent congratulations and not condolences to the families of the martyrs”.

Samuel had two boys and a girl.

“When we saw the video we were filled with joy. They were like lions, none of them left their faith. We thank God.”

“we are so glad. They are with Christ. We thank the Lord”.

“They went to the eternal joy. We were tired when we did not know, but we were filled with joy when we found out they were heroic”.

And just as Kamel who invited to pray for his brothers’ killers, Beshir prayed: “Dear God, please open their eyes to be saved and to quit their ignorance and the wrong teachings they were taught.”

Lam’i said “It is as if Christ has opened the heavens for them and He said ‘come up hither’ or why else they would all be kneeling firmly with joy and firmness in their faith.

The myth that Muslims desire martyrdom is busted when one sees the Copts. It is through our martyrdom that eyes are opened, so ISIS, you can take our lives but you cannot take our souls. In fact, our martyrdom will be the means to open the eyes of thousands others, so their souls too can be saved.

We pray that we are next, please O Lord.

Christianity Today.

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By Theodore Shoebat

A group of westerners dabbled into witchcraft in Peru, and while they are not Christians, they got possessed, and the whole thing was captured on film.

Demon possession is very real, and while the modern world mocks the idea of possession, a number of Westerners went to Peru to dabble into native Incan witchcraft, and confirmed that demons really exist, proving the Bible to be true. I did a whole video on this:

Haljlucegenic drugs are a portal into the demonic realm, and they leave you vulnerable to demonic possession. St. Paul warned us about drugs and referred to it as witchcraft:

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:1-21)

Witchcraft is referring to “pharmacia” or psychiatric drugs. In St. Paul’s day the pagans would take drugs, such as hallucinogens and marijuana, to connect with the underworld. The Aztecs and the Incas would take LSD to connect themselves with the demons that they worshipped. The Conquistadors came to destroy these evil rituals, and now the deviants of our time want to bring us back to this demonism. This is just another one of Satan’s strategies to get people demon possessed.


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ISIS Leader Admits: We Are Being Funded By The Obama Administration


By Theodore Shoebat

An ISIS leader named Yousef al-Salafi in Pakistan has admitted that ISIS is being funded by the USA, and thus, the Obama administration. This came from a statement done by the Pakistani government which interrogated Yousef and received this information from him. There was a news report done on this:

A source privy to the investigations said:

During the investigations, Yousaf al Salafi revealed that he was getting funding – routed through America – to run the organisation in Pakistan and recruit young people to fight in Syria

One source said that al Salafi confessed that he and another ally — said to be an imam — was getting paid by the US to recruit youths to join ISIS for $600 a recruit.

The same source said:

The US has been condemning the IS activities but unfortunately has not been able to stop funding of these organisations, which is being routed through the US… The US had to dispel the impression that it is financing the group for its own interests and that is why it launched offensive against the organisation in Iraq but not in Syria

The Obama administration funding ISIS should not surprise us. Lets not forget that the Obama administration has refused to back Egypt in its destruction of ISIS, and is working with Turkey which one of the main backers of ISIS. Let us also not forget that the USA supports the FSA and is working to continue to fund and train jihadists in Syria to overthrow the Assad regimen, an action that will only allow the Islamists, and ultimately Turkey, to dominate the Middle East.

The world truly is ruled by the devil, and all of his demons are possessing the most powerful people in the world, and while they make us think that they are doing the “right thing,” they are in reality supporting the epitome of all evil. From psychiatric drugs, Islamic terrorists, the slaughter of innocent infants, to the homosexual agenda, the evils that we see in front of our eyes are being empowered wicked men, embellished with suites and smiles.

We think the Islamic terrorists are the only evil, but the truth remains that the most demonic people are the ones behind the curtain of destruction, directing the scenes of perdition, while going before cameras with sharp grins, hand waves, and a lofty podium, and they are in power only because the masses allow them to be in power.

Let us always keep in mind that it was George Bush who removed Saddam, who was suppressing the jihadists and protecting the Christians, and all that did was set the stage for all of these Islamists to invade the Middle East, and from such chaos and disorder, ISIS was formed.

The fact remains that America is aiding the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, because at the end of the day, that is the ultimate goal of the jihadists: destroy Christianity.

This ISIS commander was in Pakistan, which means he was working to form a full sharia state in that country, which would only lead to a systematic slaughter of the Christian population.

We must help our Christian brethren in Pakistan from being slaughtered. Our organization, Rescue Christians, has saved thousands of Christians in Pakistan from murder and sexual torture. Help us rescue more Christians.


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U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate


The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by Shoebat.com that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is moving ahead with a plan to arm and train rebel fighters in Syria.

Whether the fighters are ISIS or Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels, all want the same thing – a Caliphate.

As the U.S. claims the agreement is intended to fight ISIS, Turkey is claiming Bashar al-Assad is the target. In reality, ISIS is not really a target of Turkey at all.

According to one report:

Turkey and the United States signed an agreement Thursday to train and arm Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State group, said the U.S. Embassy in Ankara.

The two countries have been in talks about such a pact for several months. The deal was signed Thursday evening by U.S Ambassador John Bass and Turkish Foreign Ministry undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu, said Embassy spokesman Joe Wierichs. He gave no further details.

Sinirlioglu called the deal “an important step” in the strategic partnership between Turkey and the United States, according to Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency.

The Turkish government has said the training by U.S. and Turkish soldiers could begin as early as next month at a base in the central Anatolian city of Kirsehir, and involve hundreds of Syrian fighters in the first year. The U.S. has said the goal is to go after the Islamic State group, but Turkish officials have suggested that the trained rebels could also target the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad.

With its 750 mile border on Syria, Turkey is a key part of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group. But negotiations with the U.S. over what to do about the Islamic militants have been fraught with disagreement — with Turkey insisting that the coalition needs to also target the Assad government.

As Shoebat.com reported, both the U.S. House and Senate last year voted to arm Syria’s rebels.

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Islamic Terrorists Bomb Civilian Airport From the Sky, Causing Panic and Flight Cancellations


Islamic terrorists who go by the name ‘Libya Dawn’ have carried out a bombing campaign on a civilian airport in western Libya. Once again, the name game is played here. The truth is these fighters are no different than other terrorist groups like ISIS. It was recently learned that ISIS joined with Ansar al-Sharia. No matter what Libya Dawn calls itself, it’s made up of terrorist just like the ones that make up those groups.

Here are some details about the bombing:

A spokesman for the provisional government that Libya Dawn has established in Tripoli said Tuesday night that its forces had used “two or three” Russian-made MIGs to hit a Zintan airstrip and another location where the city’s fighters had gathered.

The spokesman, Jamal Naji Zubia, accused Zintan’s militia of using the airstrip to import weapons, ammunition and military support.

A statement from the airport authority in Zintan said a warplane had bombed the airport around noon, just as a civilian flight was preparing to take off.

The attack “created panic among the passengers and families” and forced the cancellation of the flight, the statement said. It asked Libya’s internationally recognized government to condemn “this terrorist crime” and to “ensure accountability for those who carried it out so that it is not repeated again.”

Another report stated:

The airport of Zintan, the target of the Islamist airstrike, issued a statement saying: “A warplane conducted an air strike on the airport of Zintan while passengers were about to depart. Two flights were canceled for security [reasons].”

Limited damage was caused near the runway and there were no casualties, according to a Reuters report.

Defense officials from the eastern-based government accused the Tripoli faction of carrying out the attack. There was no immediate response from the Tripoli authorities.

Libya is increasingly divided, with Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni’’s recognized government and his allies locked in a conflict with a rival faction that took over the capital and established its own self-declared government.

The United Nations is negotiating a deal between the factions to stop the North African country’s slide into wider civil war, four years after the uprising that toppled leader Muammar Qaddafi.

Four years after the NATO-backed war toppled Qaddafi, Western governments fear Libya is sliding deeper into war as the rival factions battle for control and the country’s oil wealth.

For some reason, this clip from September 13, 2012 seems appropriate:

h/t GWP

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MUST WATCH: Fox News Host Megyn Kelly Grills Mayor Giuliani for Telling Truth About Obama


Mayor Rudolph Giuliani made news recently when he said he didn’t believe that Obama loves America. This was the reason for his appearance on Fox News with Megyn Kelly.

After giving Giuliani the opportunity to apologize, Kelly hammered the former New York City Mayor for not doing so. Giuliani then invoked two names when describing Obama that far too few people do – Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinsky.

Instead of acknowledging these realities, Kelly continued to press Giuliani to take back his words. Giuliani came out looking great and Kelly, not so much:

It can’t be known why the typically right-leaning host Kelly was so interested in defending Obama but it could have been a network decision to keep the heat off.

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ISIS Responds Back To Egypt And Libya’s Airstrikes By A Massive Bombing Campaign While Egyptian Libyan Relations IS Falling Apart


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

ISIS is now running a bombing campaign in retaliation to the Egyptian-Libyan strikes on ISIS’s installations which came as a result of the massacre of 21 Coptic Christians.



A series of bomb blasts in a small eastern Libyan town of Al-Qubba killed at least 41 people and left dozens more wounded, according to a spokesman for the country’s ministry of health, who also characterized the attack as a reprisal for Egyptian airstrikes early this week against Islamist fighters.

ISIS’s campaign is focusing on government installations. Egypt’s embassy in Tripoli for example was also the target of a bombing last November. Egypt is a key backer of Libya’s internationally recognised government which has retreated to the eastern city of Tobruk.

There were massive craters at the sites of the blasts, as well as dozens of dead victims spread out on the street covered in blankets.

مواقف عربية ودولية تدين تفجير الضاحية

Libyan air force retaliated as a result by attacking ISIS’s installations in Darneh.


At least five Egyptian employees of the gas station were among the dead, prompting suspicion among officials in the Tobruk government that the Egyptian migrant workers were the attacks’ primary targets.

Friday’s bombing bookends a volatile week in Libya, where a wave of fresh bloodshed has demonstrated Islamic State’s powers to reach beyond its base in Syria and Iraq while drawing other countries into a burgeoning regionwide war.

But what is worthy of mention is that the Egyptian-Libyan relations are deteriorating. Libya in fact condemned Al-Sisi of Egypt for the airstrikes against ISIS’s installations condemning Egypt for the death of 3 civilian casualties to even go as far as denying that the ISIS massacre of 21 Copts happened on Libyan territory as announced by Libyan army spokesman in Arabic.

In the hours after the Al Qubba attack, the Tripoli-based Islamist government condemned the bombings but blamed them on Egypt’s “terrorist” leader and his “traitor” Libyan general, Khalifa Haftar.

Libya Dawn’s statement accused Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi of working with Mr. Haftar to “prove the existence of what they call terrorism in Libya to give Sisi and his allies an excuse to occupy Libya.”

So besides that the murders of the Egyptians and Egypt’s attacks have heaped added instability on a country already divided between nationalists (the internationally-recognized, democratically elected parliament based out of the eastern city of Tobruk) and ISIS (which leads the different Islamists factions), and now the Egyptian and Libyan governments has a historic feud which continues. This divide between Libya and Egypt will definitely be in favor of ISIS. ISIS is clever and is causing the mayhem in order to further blame Egypt and add to the rift.

Egyptian diplomats were at the United Nations this week urging member states to form a UN-backed coalition for fighting Islamic State in Libya. But Mr. Sisi’s urgings were met with blame by Western diplomats regarding Mr. Sisi’s human rights record.

Egypt’s minister of foreign affairs, Sameh Shukri, met with American policy makers in Washington on Thursday to urge their help in assembling an international coalition to fight Islamic State and other extremist groups, according to Egypt’s foreign ministry.

But all this is falling on deaf ears and the rift between the United States and Egypt continues. All this will advance and catapult ISIS and will further the Islamist expansion into Egypt (through the Muslim Brotherhood) and Islamist expansion into North Africa by ISIS.

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Tough Questions That Are Impossible To Refute Proves That Obama’s Policies Are Part Of A Master Plan To Revive The Grand Muslim Caliphate


By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

Years ago, hints on questioning Obama’s loyalty to the U.S. was considered conspiracy theory. Today  Americans are becoming increasingly more suspicious struggling to find rhyme or reason for Obama’s latest Middle East policies. Rudy Giuliani seems to attribute Obama’s policies to be influenced through his affiliations with radical socialists like Frank Marshall Davis. But serious questions will prove that Obama’s policies are not different than a Muslim who supports the revival of the Muslim grand caliphate.

Was Obama influenced only by a Marxist-Leninist agenda or did he also not grow up Muslim, having learned how to recite the Muslim call to prayer in the classical Arabic tongue as he clearly admits? Can anyone even deny that Obama’s Middle East policies mimics Erdogan’s, especially when it comes to the two most powerful secular Arab states, Syria and Egypt?

Such policies stem from a Muslim mindset, not Marxist or even an American apple pie. To go against secular governments like Egypt and Syria is something ingrained in Muslim Brotherhood psyche. The history to be repeated eschatologically is the pride of Erdogan when the Ottoman Sultan Selim I turned against Syria and Egypt, conquered them and ruled the Middle East.

And why is Obama, like Erdogan, aiding only Syrian rebels while both policies of Turkey and the U.S. exclude training the Kurds?

It was at the Battle of Marj Dābiq (Arabic: مرج دابق‎) as we all learned as children was the most decisive military clash in Middle Eastern history (1516 AD) near the town of Dabiq, 44 km north of Aleppo, Syria between the Ottoman Empire and the Mamluk Sultanate.

The mention of Dabiq to ISIS and Turkey reveals more than just history, but also eschatology of invading Egypt for a grand future victory for Erdogan’s ultimate dream to revive the sick man of Europe. Dabiq is reverting back the clock to when Sultan Selim I (King of the North) of the Ottomans had just pushed back and vanquished the Safavid Persians (The biblical Bear) at the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514—and turned their full might against the Mamluks, who ruled in Syria and Egypt (The biblical kingdom of the south) to complete the Ottoman conquest of the Middle East and mark their Ottoman supremacy in history.

Can anyone deny that Erdogan and Obama are setting policies in their nations that is preparing all this by  reversing Sykes Picot in supporting the Arab Spring which is crippling nationalism and advancing the caliphate agenda? No Middle East analyst can deny that the United States through Obama was the key player which advanced the demolision of  nationalism and advanced a caliphate agenda throughout the entire Middle East.

And can anyone deny that both Erdogan and Obama when speaking on Islam their words never go against the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda? One might object that Obama denounces ISIS, but so does the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, even ISIS makes fun of Obama as just another Saudi style theologian.

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To learn more about the history and the eschatological Muslim views regarding this subject, read The Keyword That Unlocks The Secret Master Plan Of ISIS

It is these two, Syria and Egypt, that are necessary keys to complete the mission of an Ottoman conquest of the Middle East as to repeat the glory days of Selim I. Everything in both of Obama’s and Erdogan’s policies prove it. Just this week, Obama’s aides declined to back Egypt’s military operation against ISIS and instead Obama continues to work with Erdogan, his true partner, in training the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood of Syria.

Why would the United States throw away one of its closest Arab allies in the Middle East? This should no longer be a mystery which even White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest and State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki could not adequately answer.

Is it not becoming obvious that Obama’s policies will allow a caliphate control over Libya which will turn that entire region of North Africa into the next Somalia recreating even another Barbary Pirates which will  move even further to the gates of Vienna to threaten Christendom?

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The caption says “The Killing Of The Christians” titled as a war and announced the players “[the war] between the followers of Sharia and the worshippers of the Cross”

 You might counter that Syria is a proxy of Iran and that  Obama wants to prevent Iranian expansion,  but if this is true, why then is Obama looking the other way while Iran advances its nuclear program?
And you might also counter that aiding insurgents is for humanitarian reasons, but have you also considered that both, Erdogan and Obama, support the type of insurgents in Syria that holds the second hub of Muslim Brotherhood ideology after Egypt?

It was Bashar Al-Assad’s father who decimated the Muslim Brotherhood in 1982 Hama Massacre one of the single deadliest acts by any Arab government against the Muslim Brotherhood in the modern Middle East.And can anyone deny that the Muslim Brotherhood revolution in Syria is being backed by the most powerful man on earth, Barack Hussein Obama?

To the American who knows little about the armed Muslim Brotherhood of Syria, he thinks that Bashar is a tyrant for simply wanting to keep his seat of power. Does Obama not know with all the advisors he has, that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is believed to control, through funding, one-fourth to one-third of the disparate armed rebel brigades known collectively as the Free Syrian Army (FSA)?

And if raising a Free Syrian Army was not an Islamist agenda, in other words, they were mild peppers, can anyone deny that what began with scattered supposedly moderate opposition forces were in reality  Muslim Brotherhood operatives, which then became something that was later utilized by the Salafist rebel group Ahrar al Sham which was then utilized by al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, which is now utilized by ISIS?

And if the military training was utilized for such an evolution, can anyone deny that the fighters, regardless of the extremist heat level on the “chart” would always end up warriors for the Caliphate.Real American apple pie, while he could at times make stupid decisions, the moment he would realize the mistake, he would retract the policy. For example, Joe Biden, when it comes to Syria said “Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria,” Biden stated.“They [Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE] were so determined to take down Assad,” he added, that in a sense they started a “proxy Sunni-Shia war” by pouring “hundreds of millions of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad.”

Even though Biden was then forced to issue a retraction and an apology due to political pressure, can anyone deny that his tirade uncovered a truth that most experts and political analysts have expressed as early as 2011? If Obama was not a Muslim sympathizer,  can anyone show Obama sharing more positive views on Christianity and its history in contrast to any critical views on Islam and its violent history?o1a

Even simple observations tell us, Obama and Erdogan speak Arabic. How did they learn this language that is foreign to their nationality? And what language where they using in these private conversations?English? Erdogan speaks no English. Turkish? Obama speaks no Turkish.



Can anyone tell us what language they are speaking in private? Can anyone tell us if Obama speaks Turkish or if Erdogan speaks English? If so, why when it comes to the discussions intended for public consumption, we always find an interpreter since neither can speak a lick of the other man’s language:

Erdogan, like Obama, speaks fluent Arabic:

Erdogan, like Obama, doesn’t only know how to read and write classical Arabic, he even recites the Quran perfectly in Arabic:

And just like Obama, who recited the Muslim call to prayer.

And when it comes to Israel, fact is, there is no rift between Obama and Netanyahu, the friendship was never there from the beginning. Obama is not Apple pie to care about Israel. U.S. officials believe Netanyahu’s trip to Washington is aimed primarily at derailing a nuclear deal with Iran, Obama’s signature foreign policy objective. While Netanyahu has long been skeptical of the negotiations, his opposition has increased over what he sees as Obama’s willingness to make concessions that would leave Iran on the brink of being able to build a nuclear weapon.

Even Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabists who fear Iran, would not approve of Obama’s policies. However, Erdogan will, 100%.

As an X-Muslim, the Grand Caliphate was always the hottest discussion while sitting in the halls of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, even later in mosques in the United States where activists from all over the globe discussed plans on how to revive it. Obama is not simply a socialist or a dummy as many claim and a quick look at his direction of U.S. Foreign Policy on Islamic issues will reveal that he is meticulous and careful ensuring it fits Islam’s historical and eschatological agenda.

And if you are still in doubt, I ask: where were you during the sixties and even the eighties when we were in your learning centers discussing how the Muslim Brotherhood will influence every aspect of your system from government to education, all as a plan for a grand caliphate which is to be supported, infused and initiated right from your backyard and from within your system?

Obama is not as naive as you think in administering his policies. A Muslim in the White House is exactly where the devil wants to plant his man to prevent the most powerful nation on earth from preventing this Caliphate to rise and consume much flesh as it is attempting to do already. Obama, who speaks fluent Arabic and knows Islam quite well is no different than his friend who resides as the Sultan of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. These two are key in this master plan and whether you believe it or not, history will some day record the facts.

P.S: We usually get tremendous traffic on stories of this sort while we get very little on more serious issues on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. For example, we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians who literally live under slavery. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, perdominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians too are burned in furnaces in Pakistan with no one to morn them. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”.CONSIDER DONATING TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS

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The Swiss Guard, The Official Bodyguards Of The Pope, Says: The Pope Could Be Killed By The Muslims


By Theodore Shoebat

The Swiss Guard, the official bodyguards for the Pope, just recently stated that the Muslims could just assassinate Pope Francis. For this reason they have intensified security measures and are ready to fight for the Pope if he is attacked by terrorists.

I did a whole video on this:

According to the report:


“What happened in Paris with the Charlie Hebdo attacks could also happen at the Vatican. We are ready to intervene to ensure Francis is protected,” says the new commander of the Swiss Guard, Colonel Christoph Graf.

Throughout Rome, security has visibly increased in the wake of recent ISIS threats and the proximity of Islamic State militants in Libya. A special security taskforce has been convoked to plan Rome’s response to escalating ISIS threats, including special protection for “sensitive targets.”

The Italian Minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano met with Vatican officials this week to discuss Vatican security, which Alfano described as “very high.”

The 54-year-old Graf, who enlisted in the pontifical Swiss Guard in 1987, was appointed commander of the Guard on February 7, 2015, making him the 35th to serve in this role. The colorful Swiss Guard is an elite military unit that traces its foundation back to 1506, when the first battalion of 150 soldiers arrived upon the request of Pope Julius II.

Graf said that, due to recent ISIS threats against the Pope and the Vatican, the Swiss Guards are more focused than ever. “We have asked the guards to be more attentive and carefully observe people’s movements,” he said. “What happened in Paris can happen here in the Vatican, and you cannot preempt this without an intelligence service that has precise information.”

Graf said that his troops “are always ready to intervene.”

Candidates for the Pontifical Swiss Guard must be Catholic, single, Swiss males who have completed basic training with the Swiss military, between 19 and 30 years of age, and at least 174 cm (5 ft. 8.5 in.) tall. Many enlist out of a sense of faith and loyalty to the Church, as well as family tradition in many cases. The new commander, for instance, has said that he sees his role as a vocation. “For a Catholic,” he said, “being able to protect the Pope is the greatest thing you can do.”

Francis’ outgoing style and insistence on being close to the people causes its own problems for security. Though Graf says he believes “that the Pope is not afraid of anything,” other people are afraid for him, and accountable as well.

“For us,” said Graf, “there is the difficult task of ensuring his safety, but I also believe that you get used to it with time.” People often ask me “whether it is a nightmare for us,” Graf said. “I tell them it’s not, you just need to get used to it.”

The Pope has asked for space, Graf says, since he doesn’t like security too close to him. “We try to respect this request,” says Graf, “even the Pope needs freedom.” He said that they give him some space “but observe his movements, ever ready to intervene.”

On Wednesday evening, the Minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano brought together the national committee for order and public safety, along with the deputy minister, Philip Bubbico, and the Chief of Staff of Defense, Binelli Capes. The committee has prepared the strategic plan for use of a contingent of 4,800 soldiers for safeguarding sensitive targets, in addition to the regular police force.

The “sensitive targets” to receive extra protection include places of worship, such as Saint Peter’s Basilica and Rome’s Jewish Synagogue, embassies and consulates, strategic infrastructure such as power plants, as well as public transportation such as airports, train, and subway stations. For the moment, this state of special alert will extend until June 30.



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Radical Cleric and Hundreds of Muslims Attend Funeral of Islamic Terrorist… IN EUROPE


Islamic terrorist Omar El-Hussein was shot dead by authorities in Copenhagen recently but only after he murdered two people and injured two police officers. Yet, his funeral was attended by hundreds of Muslims, mostly young males who covered their faces. A radical Salafi cleric was there with his own photographer and had photos of him taken standing over the burial plot while holding up his index finger, known as the Islamic Sabbabah sign; it is an affirmation of the Islamic faith that there is only one God (no Son or Holy Spirit).

According to one report:

The gunman who killed two people in Copenhagen was today buried in a Muslim cemetery in the city, despite objections from the Islamic group that owns it.

Omar El-Hussein, 22, murdered two people last weekend following a bloody rampage through the Danish capital that ended when he was killed in a shootout with police.

The ceremony at the Islamic Society of Denmark was attended by approximately 500 mourners and sympathisers, before he was buried in a Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

But Ahmet Deniz, head of the Islamic Burial Fund’s support group told newspaper Jyllands-Posten, that he had concerns before the ceremony about the burial.

He said that the group said it had considered denying a request by El-Hussein’s parents to have him buried in their cemetery, but that its rules did not allow for it.

He added: ‘My concern is over extremist attitudes and actions on both sides. Both from his friends and from young Danish people who perhaps could also riot later.’

The funeral was open to the public, but reports from the scene said it was mostly attended by young men, who were described as ‘wearing large black coats with many of them having covered their faces’.

Before the ceremony, Copenhagen Police urging anyone attending to ‘show appropriate respect’ while Kasem Said Ahmad, who conducted the burial ceremony, said that he would require everyone to ‘remain silent’.

Ahmad rejected suggestions that a large turnout at the funeral would be a sign of support for the alleged killer.

He said: ‘It is support for the family, not for him. I do not think that anyone is coming to pay homage to him.’

After the burial, controversial Salafist Adnan Avdic posed for pictures at the the plot.

This turnout is perhaps more instructive than the terrorism committed by El-Hussein. These were not hundreds of mourners who attended a suicide bomber’s funeral in Gaza. This took place in Europe.

The post Radical Cleric and Hundreds of Muslims Attend Funeral of Islamic Terrorist… IN EUROPE appeared first on Walid Shoebat.

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